
第16章 非洲,日新月异,展望未来(2)

In doing so,we know that there is no single development model.Initial conditions differ,so are each country"s endowments,history and even geography.But we do also in full realization of the critical importance of partnerships.Two types of partnerships:the first between Africa and the outside world a relationship not of dependence but of inter-dependence in which the international community on one hand an Africa itself each side fulfills its obligations.The so called doctrine of "Mutual Accountability"of obligations entered into at the Millennium Summit:to eliminate poverty by 2015,to remove barriers to trade,to cut emissions and to provide more meaningful support to the least developed countries.But in the same spirit,it also implies that Africa must fulfill its side of the deal drawing lessons from the past where poor leadership led to decline and decay,and to build capable states,well governed,accountable at all levels,where a true partnership internal must be built between Governments,Private Sector,and Civil Society Organizations.The bridges must be built between the three.

Let me now share with you what we a re doing at the A fr ican Development Bank to consolid ate the Continent"s achievements:

The Bank seeks to respond effectively to the highly diverse expectations of all its member countries:Middle Income Countries,Lower Income Countries and Fragile States,as we at same time pursue regional integration.Last year we deployed close to five billion dollars including debt relief.

Some of our members are non-borrowing and aspire to middle-income economies status;they have a multitude of needs in terms of pockets of poverty and technical know -how,which the bank must be equipped to respond to with a range of products and services for bank regulation,business,law reforms,etc.

It is for that reason we are deepening our internal capacities to better respond to this constantly changing economic landscape.In this respect,I am pleased to report the successful efforts of bringing Africa"s leading economists and think tanks to reflect on development issues of the day.Some of you were present at the launch of the African Economic Conference and I look forward to seeing you in November 2008in Tunis.

We have opted to be more focused and selective,in order to be really effective.We are therefore engaged in carving out a set of distinctive activities and responsibilities in sectors and domains that can confer us a clear "comparative advantage".Our ability to work together in "strategic alliances"with other institutions including universities such as yourselves coulden able stoen surecolle ctive excellency.

A growing consensus that to reduce pover ty economies must g row at about 7%per annum hence the domains that ca n u n lock g r ow t h p otent ia l ,such a s energy,reduce costs of doing business and maximize Africa"s chances for MDGs.

We sha re the belief that Africa"s depen denceonaid should gradu ally decline giving way to the private sector domain.We see our role as catalyst:to crowd in investment as financier,advisor and partner.We are constantly deploying new financial instruments,including risk sharing products,syndication and local currency financing.

Our cont inent st il l faces its historica l handicaps,geog raphic fragmentation.Although Africa is the world"s second largest continent at 30.4million square kilometers and the second most populous,its land people is divided between 53countries creating the greatest number of states per square area of the continent;and infrastructure remains a major handicap for intra-African trade.

We have the highest concentration of landlocked countries;fifteen countries home to 40%of Africa"s people live in countries with no access to sea.But steadily,thanks to an emerging leadership landscape,we are overcoming.The threat of Climate change,in the context of growing populations and urbanization is a real peril.In terms of reduced food security,increased water stress,competition for natural resources,and higher risk of diseases.Africa has contributed least to climate change but will suffer the most;and our adaptation capacity,the cost of which are estimated at 5-10%of our GDP.

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