
第13章 Science科学常识(1)

01 Physical Changes 物理变化

Matter can be found as a solid, liquid, or gas. A solid has a fixed size and shape. The solid may be big like a brick. A solid may be powdery like sand or sugar. A solid may change its shape but stay a solid. A block of ice may be smashed into smaller pieces. The smaller pieces are still solid. Each solid piece has a fixed size and shape. If the ice is heated and melts into water, the shape changes. When the solid melts, a liquid forms. A liquid has a fixed size, but no fixed shape. Solids changing to liquids, change shape, but the size are fixed. Liquids take the shape of the container.

Some matter is not a solid or a liquid. It is a gas. A gas does not have a fixed size or shape. Gases are sometimes hard to see. Many gases are invisible.

What kind of matter is perfume? Is it solid, liquid, or gas? When you smell things you smell gases. Think about the food your mother cooks. You can smell the dinner. Can you see the “smells”?

Air is a gas. Some gases have no odor. These gases are hard to find. Gases with no odor or color are invisible.

When liquids disappear they become gases. When a water puddle dries up, the water has turned into a gas. You smell the perfume because the liquid has become a gas. Gases come from liquids. When you cool a gas, it becomes a liquid again.

As ice melts, a physical change takes place. A liquid changing to a solid is another physical change. A puddle of water drying up is a physical change. Liquids’ changing to gases is a physical change. A physical change may change the shape or size of something. That something is still the same thing after the change. The ice cube that melts is still water. The water that dries up is still water. Liquid water that freezes is still water. A physical change never changes something into something new.

There are other kinds of physical changes. Suppose you break a brick. Is this a physical change? Yes. The broken brick is still a brick. The broken brick did not change into something else. Suppose you smash a sugar cube. Is this a physical change? Yes. The smashed cube is still sugar.

Vocabulary 词汇

solid ["s?lid] adj. 固体的、实心的、结实的、可靠的、纯粹的;

n. 固体

liquid ["likwid] n. 液体;

adj. 液体的、清澈的、明亮的、(声音)流畅的、流动的

brick [brik] n. 砖、砖块;

vt. 用砖砌、用砖堵住

powdery ["paud?ri] adj. 粉状的

smash [sm??] n. 破碎(声)、猛击、猛撞、大成功;

vt. & vi. 打碎;

vt. 重击

melt [melt] vt. & vi. (使)融(溶、熔)化、溶解、(使)消散、消失

container [k?n"tein?] n. 容器、集装箱、货柜

invisible [in"viz?bl] adj. 看不见的、暗藏的

perfume ["p?:fju:m] n. 香气、芳香、香水;

vt. 使充满香气、喷香水于

odor ["?ud?] n. 气味、名声

puddle ["p?dl] n. 水坑、(尤指道路上的)雨水坑

dry up (使……)干涸、枯竭、用光、耗尽、〈英〉擦干碗碟、〈非正〉住口

freeze [fri:z] vt. & vi. (使)结冰;

n. 严寒时期、凝固、冻结


1.Solids have a      .

A.fixed size and fixed shape

B.fixed size and changing shape

C.changing shape and changing size

2.Liquid have a      .

A.fixed size and fixed shape

B.fixed size and changing shape

C.changing shape and changing size

3.Gases have a      .

A.fixed size and fixed shape

B.fixed size and changing shape

C.changing shape and changing size

4.Solids will       if they get hot enough.

A.melt            B.fall

5.Heat changes solids to      .

A.ice             B.liquids

6.Liquids change to       when they get hot.

A.gases            B.water

7.Liquids change to       when they get cold.

A.solids            B.gases










1.固体有     。

A.确定的大小和形状 B.确定的大小,可变的形状


2.液体有     。

A.确定的大小和形状 B.确定的大小,可变的形状


3.气体有     。

A.确定的大小和形状 B.确定的大小,可变的形状


4.如果得到足够的热量,固体将会     。

A.融化 B.下降

5.加热会把固体变为     。

A.冰 B.液体


A.气体 B.水


A.固体 B.气体

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A

02 Chemical Changes 化学变化

How small can matter be? You can break a rock into many pieces, you can grind a lump of sugar into powder. But what is the smallest thing you can make? Scientists call the smallest bits of matter atoms and molecules. Millions of molecules make up the tiniest speck of dust. Atoms and molecules cannot be seen even with the most powerful microscopes. All matter is made of tiny atoms and molecules.

You have heated matter. You have cooled matter. You have smashed matter. You can change the size and shape of matter. All these changes are physical changes. Physical changes do not change one substance into another. Clay is still clay even if it is molded. Sugar is still sugar even if put on your cereal, the sugar did not become salt. Physical changes only change the shape and size of a substance.

Not all changes are physical changes. Sometimes when matter changes, new matter is made. The new matter does not look like the old matter. The new matter does not act like the old matter. This kind of change is a chemical change

Many chemical changes are useful. The food you eat is changed chemically. When you digest your food, your body changes it chemically. The food you eat is no longer food when you digest it. Your body needs to change the food to use it. The digested food gives your body energy. A growing plant shows a chemical change. The food and water from the soil and air is changed to plant cells. These chemical changes are all useful chemical changes. New matter is formed from the old.

Chemical change may take place when two kinds of matter are mixed. Baking a cake is a chemical change. The different kinds of matter mixed to make the cake change as the cake bakes. The old matter joins together in a new way to make new matter.

Other chemical changes may not be useful. When food is kept too long it spoils. A chemical change takes place when food spoils. A fire is a chemical change. A forest fire is not a useful chemical change. A fire to warm your house is a useful chemical change. Burning can be useful or not useful. Burning is a chemical change that joins some matter and oxygen together.

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