

She was dressed in a fantastic dress of the ancient time, a black dress closely fitting the body, sharply delimiting the white of her shoulders and breasts, and that warm shadow waving with her breath between...And the dazzling, almost angry teeth. A smile, a bite, directed downward. She took her seat; she began to play something wild, convulsive, loud like all their life then—not a shadow of rational mechanism. Of course all those around me were right; they were laughing. Only a few...But why is it that I, too, I....?

Yes, epilepsy, a mental disease, a pain. A slow, sweet pain, bite, and it goes deeper and becomes sharper. And then, slowly, sunshine—not our sunshine, not crystalline, bluish, and soft, coming through the glass bricks. No, a wild sunshine, rushing and burning, tearing everything into small bits...

The Number at my left glanced at me and chuckled. I don"t know why but I remember exactly how a microscopic saliva bubble appeared on his lips and burst. That bubble brought me back to myself. I was again I.

Like all the other Numbers I heard now only the senseless, disorderly crackling of the chords. I laughed; I felt so light and simple. The gifted phono-lecturer represented to us only too well that wild epoch. And that was all.

With what a joy I listened afterward to our contemporary music. It was demonstrated to us at the end of the lecture for the sake of contrast. Crystalline, chromatic scales converging and diverging into endless series; and synthetic harmony of the formulae of Taylor and McLauren, wholesome, square, and massive like the "trousers of Pythagoras." Sad melodies dying away in waving movements. The beautiful texture of the spectrum of planets, dissected by Frauenhofer lines...what magnificent, what perfect regularity! How pitiful the willful music of the ancients, not limited except by the scope of their wild imaginations!

As usual, in good order, four abreast, all of us left the auditorium. The familiar double-curved figure passed swiftly by, I respectfully bowed.

Dear O- was to come in an hour. I felt agitated, agreeably and usefully. Home at last! I rushed to the house office, handed over to the controller on duty my pink ticket, and received a certificate permitting the use of the curtains. This right exists in our State only for the sexual days. Normally we live surrounded by transparent walls which seem to be knitted of sparkling air; we live beneath the eyes of everyone, always bathed in light. We have nothing to conceal from one another; besides, this mode of living makes the difficult and exalted task of the Guardians much easier. Without it many bad things might happen. It is possible that the strange opaque dwellings of the ancients were responsible for their pitiful cellish psychology, "My (sic!) home is my fortress" How did they manage to think such things?

At twenty-two o"clock I lowered the curtain and at the same second O— came in smiling, slightly out of breath. She extended to me her rosy lips and her pink ticket. I tore off the stub but I could not tear myself away from the rosy lips up to the last moment, twenty—two—fifteen.

Then I showed her my diary and I talked; I think I talked very well on the beauty of a square, a cube, a straight line. At first she listened so charmingly, she was so rosy; then suddenly a tear appeared in her blue eyes, then another, and a third fell straight on the open page (page 7). The ink blurred; well, I shall have to copy it again.

"My dear O-, if only you, if... "

"What if? If what?"

Again the old lament about a child or perhaps something new regarding, regarding., the other one? Although it seems as though some... But that would be too absurd!

  • 福尔摩斯探案全集1


  • 中国短篇小说年度佳作(2011)


  • 金甲虫


    一位酷爱收集昆虫标本的爱好者,为捕捉到一只金色的甲虫而兴奋不已。为了向朋友描述甲虫的模样,他在纸上画了出来,可他画的甲虫却犹如一颗恐怖的骷髅头! 昆虫爱好者从此之后就变得神秘兮兮,他的仆人认为他被那只甲虫咬伤了,从而遭受到邪恶的诅咒!可他本人却坚称自己十分理智。并将甲虫看成是上天赐予的财富。 几近癫狂的昆虫爱好者,究竟是染上了不知名的疾病导致精神失常,还是其中另有玄机?
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  • 小镗锣(大法王寺之聪明小空空)


    和尚们救了欲跳崖自杀的张雁,岂料张雁却要一死再死。原来张雁由于误会他把娘子白玉楼扫地出门,现在追悔莫及,却无力回天。于是和尚们答应帮他找回娘子。不料,白玉楼被张大户强占,并要求白玉楼为其传宗接代。空空费尽心思救出白玉楼,可是张雁又陷入命案……空空略施妙计,终究使得有情人终成眷属。《小镗锣》空空发现县令王占魁把上门认亲的父亲和弟弟赶出家门,很是困惑。经过仔细调查,发现王占魁的妻子阎桂花一手操控了这件事情。空空设计,让县令夫妇甘愿认亲, 并一举戳穿阎桂花的阴谋。
  • 沿途,久伴


  • 零翼永恒


  • 莫少,我们不约!


  • 重生之什么都会系统


  • 诱拐刁蛮小老婆


  • 校花和僵尸


  • 个性化诉求:传统办学模式的突围之路


  • 黑域之毒


  • 素手翻云之倾天下


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶

