
第230章 BOOK XIII(6)

Then within a while came Galahad thereas the White Knight abode him by the hermitage,and everych saluted other courteously.Sir,said Galahad,by this shield be many marvels fallen.Sir,said the knight,it befell after the passion of our Lord Jesu Christ thirty-two year,that Joseph of Aramathie,the gentle knight,the which took down our Lord off the holy Cross,at that time he departed from Jerusalem with a great party of his kindred with him.And so he laboured till that they came to a city that hight Sarras.And at that same hour that Joseph came to Sarras there was a king that hight Evelake,that had great war against the Saracens,and in especial against one Saracen,the which was King Evelake's cousin,a rich king and a mighty,which marched nigh this land,and his name was called Tolleme la Feintes.So on a day these two met to do battle.Then Joseph,the son of Joseph of Aramathie,went to King Evelake and told him he should be discomfit and slain,but if he left his belief of the old law and believed upon the new law.And then there he shewed him the right belief of the Holy Trinity,to the which he agreed unto with all his heart;and there this shield was made for King Evelake,in the name of Him that died upon the Cross.And then through his good belief he had the better of King Tolleme.For when Evelake was in the battle there was a cloth set afore the shield,and when he was in the greatest peril he let put away the cloth,and then his enemies saw a figure of a man on the Cross,wherethrough they all were discomfit.

And so it befell that a man of King Evelake's was smitten his hand off,and bare that hand in his other hand;and Joseph called that man unto him and bade him go with good devotion touch the Cross.And as soon as that man had touched the Cross with his hand it was as whole as ever it was to-fore.Then soon after there fell a great marvel,that the cross of the shield at one time vanished away that no man wist where it became.And then King Evelake was baptised,and for the most part all the people of that city.So,soon after Joseph would depart,and King Evelake would go with him,whether he wold or nold.And so by fortune they came into this land,that at that time was called Great Britain;and there they found a great felon paynim,that put Joseph into prison.

And so by fortune tidings came unto a worthy man that hight Mondrames,and he assembled all his people for the great renown he had heard of Joseph;and so he came into the land of Great Britain and disherited this felon paynim and consumed him,and therewith delivered Joseph out of prison.And after that all the people were turned to the Christian faith.


How Joseph made a cross on the white shield with his blood,and how Galahad was by a monk brought to a tomb.

NOT long after that Joseph was laid in his deadly bed.

And when King Evelake saw that he made much sorrow,and said:For thy love I have left my country,and sith ye shall depart out of this world,leave me some token of yours that I may think on you.Joseph said:That will I do full gladly;now bring me your shield that I took you when ye went into battle against King Tolleme.

Then Joseph bled sore at the nose,so that he might not by no mean be staunched.And there upon that shield he made a cross of his own blood.Now may ye see a remembrance that I love you,for ye shall never see this shield but ye shall think on me,and it shall be always as fresh as it is now.And never shall man bear this shield about his neck but he shall repent it,unto the time that Galahad,the good knight,bear it;and the last of my lineage shall have it about his neck,that shall do many marvellous deeds.Now,said King Evelake,where shall I put this shield,that this worthy knight may have it?

Ye shall leave it thereas Nacien,the hermit,shall be put after his death;for thither shall that good knight come the fifteenth day after that he shall receive the order of knighthood:and so that day that they set is this time that he have his shield,and in the same abbey lieth Nacien,the hermit.And then the White Knight vanished away.

Anon as the squire had heard these words,he alighted off his hackney and kneeled down at Galahad's feet,and prayed him that he might go with him till he had made him knight.Yea,[1]I would not refuse you.Then will ye make me a knight?said the squire,and that order,by the grace of God,shall be well set in me.So Sir Galahad granted him,and turned again unto the abbey where they came from;and there men made great joy of Sir Galahad.

And anon as he was alighted there was a monk brought him unto a tomb in a churchyard,where there was such a noise that who that heard it should verily nigh be mad or lose his strength:and sir,they said,we deem it is a fiend.

[1]Caxton "Yf,''for which "Ye''seems the easiest emendation that will save the sense.


Of the marvel that Sir Galahad saw and heard in the tomb,and how he made Melias knight.

NOW lead me thither,said Galahad.And so they did,all armed save his helm.Now,said the good man,go to the tomb and lift it up.So he did,and heard a great noise;and piteously he said,that all men might hear it:

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