
第118章 BOOK VIII(22)

NOW turn we unto Sir Tristram,that upon a day he took a little barget,and his wife Isoud la Blanche Mains,with Sir Kehydius her brother,to play them in the coasts.And when they were from the land,there was a wind drove them in to the coast of Wales upon this Isle of Servage,whereas was Sir Lamorak,and there the barget all to-rove;and there Dame Isoud was hurt;and as well as they might they gat into the forest,and there by a well he saw Segwarides and a damosel.And then either saluted other.Sir,said Segwarides,I know you for Sir Tristram de Liones,the man in the world that I have most cause to hate,because ye departed the love between me and my wife;but as for that,said Sir Segwarides,I will never hate a noble knight for a light lady;and therefore,I pray you,be my friend,and I will be yours unto my power;for wit ye well ye are hard bestead in this valley,and we shall have enough to do either of us to succour other.And then Sir Segwarides brought Sir Tristram to a lady thereby that was born in Cornwall,and she told him all the perils of that valley,and how there came never knight there but he were taken prisoner or slain.Wit you well,fair lady,said Sir Tristram,that I slew Sir Marhaus and delivered Cornwall from the truage of Ireland,and I am he that delivered the King of Ireland from Sir Blamore de Ganis,and I am he that beat Sir Palamides;and wit ye well I am Sir Tristram de Liones,that by the grace of God shall deliver this woful Isle of Servage.So Sir Tristram was well eased.

Then one told him there was a knight of King Arthur's that was wrecked on the rocks.What is his name?said Sir Tristram.We wot not,said the fishers,but he keepeth it no counsel but that he is a knight of King Arthur's,and by the mighty lord of this isle he setteth nought.I pray you,said Sir Tristram,an ye may,bring him hither that I may see him,and if he be any of the knights of Arthur's I shall know him.Then the lady prayed the fishers to bring him to her place.So on the morrow they brought him thither in a fisher's raiment;and as soon as Sir Tristram saw him he smiled upon him and knew him well,but he knew not Sir Tristram.Fair sir,said Sir Tristram,meseemeth by your cheer ye have been diseased but late,and also methinketh Ishould know you heretofore.I will well,said Sir Lamorak,that ye have seen me and met with me.Fair sir,said Sir Tristram,tell me your name.Upon a covenant I will tell you,said Sir Lamorak,that is,that ye will tell me whether ye be lord of this island or no,that is called Nabon le Noire.Forsooth,said Sir Tristram,I am not he,nor I hold not of him;I am his foe as well as ye be,and so shall I be found or I depart out of this isle.Well,said Sir Lamorak,since ye have said so largely unto me,my name is Sir Lamorak de Galis,son unto King Pellinore.

Forsooth,I trow well,said Sir Tristram,for an ye said other Iknow the contrary.What are ye,said Sir Lamorak,that knoweth me?I am Sir Tristram de Liones.Ah,sir,remember ye not of the fall ye did give me once,and after ye refused me to fight on foot.That was not for fear I had of you,said Sir Tristram,but me shamed at that time to have more ado with you,for meseemed ye had enough;but,Sir Lamorak,for my kindness many ladies ye put to a reproof when ye sent the horn from Morgan le Fay to King Mark,whereas ye did this in despite of me.Well,said he,an it were to do again,so would I do,for I had liefer strife and debate fell in King Mark's court rather than Arthur's court,for the honour of both courts be not alike.As to that,said Sir Tristram,I know well;but that that was done it was for despite of me,but all your malice,I thank God,hurt not greatly.

Therefore,said Sir Tristram,ye shall leave all your malice,and so will I,and let us assay how we may win worship between you and me upon this giant Sir Nabon le Noire that is lord of this island,to destroy him.Sir,said Sir Lamorak,now Iunderstand your knighthood,it may not be false that all men say,for of your bounty,noblesse,and worship,of all knights ye are peerless,and for your courtesy and gentleness I showed you ungentleness,and that now me repenteth.


How Sir Tristram fought with Sir Nabon,and overcame him,and made Sir Segwarides lord of the isle.

IN the meantime there came word that Sir Nabon had made a cry that all the people of that isle should be at his castle the fifth day after.And the same day the son of Nabon should be made knight,and all the knights of that valley and thereabout should be there to joust,and all those of the realm of Logris should be there to joust with them of North Wales:and thither came five hundred knights,and they of the country brought thither Sir Lamorak,and Sir Tristram,and Sir Kehydius,and Sir Segwarides,for they durst none otherwise do;and then Sir Nabon lent Sir Lamorak horse and armour at Sir Lamorak's desire,and Sir Lamorak jousted and did such deeds of arms that Nabon and all the people said there was never knight that ever they saw do such deeds of arms;for,as the French book saith,he for-jousted all that were there,for the most part of five hundred knights,that none abode him in his saddle.

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