

She thanked him again and again; and, with a sweetness of address which always attended her, invited him to be seated.But this he declined, as he was dirty and wet.

Mrs.Dashwood then begged to know to whom she was obliged.

His name, he replied, was Willoughby, and his present home was at Allenham, from whence he hoped she would allow him the honour of calling tomorrow to enquire after Miss Dashwood.The honour was readily granted, and he then departed, to make himself still more interesting, in the midst of an heavy rain.

His manly beauty and more than common gracefulness were instantly the theme of general admiration, and the laugh which his gallantry raised against Marianne received particular spirit from his exterior attractions.--Marianne herself had seen less of his person that the rest, for the confusion which crimsoned over her face, on his lifting her up, had robbed her of the power of regarding him after their entering the house.But she had seen enough of him to join in all the admiration of the others, and with an energy which always adorned her praise.

His person and air were equal to what her fancy had ever drawn for the hero of a favourite story; and in his carrying her into the house with so little previous formality, there was a rapidity of thought which particularly recommended the action to her.Every circumstance belonging to him was interesting.His name was good, his residence was in their favourite village, and she soon found out that of all manly dresses a shooting-jacket was the most becoming.

Her imagination was busy, her reflections were pleasant, and the pain of a sprained ankle was disregarded.

Sir John called on them as soon as the next interval of fair weather that morning allowed him to get out of doors; and Marianne's accident being related to him, he was eagerly asked whether he knew any gentleman of the name of Willoughby at Allenham.

"Willoughby!" cried Sir John; "what, is HEin the country? That is good news however; I will ride over tomorrow, and ask him to dinner on Thursday.""You know him then," said Mrs.Dashwood.

"Know him! to be sure I do.Why, he is down here every year.""And what sort of a young man is he?"

"As good a kind of fellow as ever lived, Iassure you.

A very decent shot, and there is not a bolder rider in England.""And is that all you can say for him?" cried Marianne, indignantly."But what are his manners on more intimate acquaintance? What his pursuits, his talents, and genius?"Sir John was rather puzzled.

"Upon my soul," said he, "I do not know much about him as to all THAT.But he is a pleasant, good humoured fellow, and has got the nicest little black bitch of a pointer I ever saw.Was she out with him today?"But Marianne could no more satisfy him as to the colour of Mr.Willoughby's pointer, than he could describe to her the shades of his mind.

"But who is he?" said Elinor."Where does he come from? Has he a house at Allenham?"On this point Sir John could give more certain intelligence;and he told them that Mr.Willoughby had no property of his own in the country; that he resided there only while he was visiting the old lady at Allenham Court, to whom he was related, and whose possessions he was to inherit; adding, "Yes, yes, he is very well worth catching I can tell you, Miss Dashwood; he has a pretty little estate of his own in Somersetshire besides;and if I were you, I would not give him up to my younger sister, in spite of all this tumbling down hills.

Miss Marianne must not expect to have all the men to herself.

Brandon will be jealous, if she does not take care.""I do not believe," said Mrs.Dashwood, with a good humoured smile, "that Mr.Willoughby will be incommoded by the attempts of either of MY daughters towards what you call CATCHING him.It is not an employment to which they have been brought up.Men are very safe with us, let them be ever so rich.I am glad to find, however, from what you say, that he is a respectable young man, and one whose acquaintance will not be ineligible.""He is as good a sort of fellow, I believe, as ever lived," repeated Sir John."I remember last Christmas at a little hop at the park, he danced from eight o'clock till four, without once sitting down.""Did he indeed?" cried Marianne with sparkling eyes, "and with elegance, with spirit?""Yes; and he was up again at eight to ride to covert.""That is what I like; that is what a young man ought to be.Whatever be his pursuits, his eagerness in them should know no moderation, and leave him no sense of fatigue.""Aye, aye, I see how it will be," said Sir John, "I see how it will be.You will be setting your cap at him now, and never think of poor Brandon.""That is an expression, Sir John," said Marianne, warmly, "which I particularly dislike.I abhor every common-place phrase by which wit is intended; and 'setting one's cap at a man,' or 'making a conquest,' are the most odious of all.Their tendency is gross and illiberal;and if their construction could ever be deemed clever, time has long ago destroyed all its ingenuity."Sir John did not much understand this reproof;but he laughed as heartily as if he did, and then replied, "Ay, you will make conquests enough, I dare say, one way or other.Poor Brandon! he is quite smitten already, and he is very well worth setting your cap at, I can tell you, in spite of all this tumbling about and spraining of ankles."

  • 名为梦想的世界


  • 神级战兵


  • 参差碧岫耸莲花:上官婉儿


    她出身名门,背负家族仇恨,她有将相之才,无 奈生为女儿之身。造化弄人,她辗转于朝局宫争,生 如夏花之绚烂,终归于青史行间。她就是——上官婉 儿。朱丹红编著的《上官婉儿(参差碧岫耸莲花)(精) 》为“倾城才女系列”中的一本,《上官婉儿(参差 碧岫耸莲花)(精)》记述了唐代才女上官婉儿的传奇经历。
  • 篮球天王


  • 俱舍论颂疏论本


  • 仙崛


  • 孕妇饮食与生活


  • 每天懂点奇妙问话术·读心术·心理掌控术


  • 我和校花的不良约会


  • 火舞佛魔

