

"Aye, it's a success now, your Grace," Hutchinson answered, "but Imight have waited a good bit longer if it hadn't been for that lad an'

his bold backing of me."

"Mr.Temple Barholm?" said the duke.

"Aye.He's got th' way of making folks see things that they can't see even when they're hitting them in th' eyes.I'd that lost heart Icould never have done it myself."

"But now it is done," smiled his Grace."Delightful!""I've got there--same as they say in New York--I've got there," said Hutchinson.

He sat down in response to Miss Alicia's invitation.His unease was wonderfully dispelled.He felt himself a person of sufficient importance to address even a duke as man to man.

"What's all this romancin' talk about th' other Temple Barholm comin'

back, an' our lad knowin' an' hidin' him away? An' Palliser an' th'

lawyers an' th' police bein' after 'em both?""You have heard the whole story?" from the duke.

"I've heard naught else since I come back."

"Grandmother knew a great deal before we came home," said Little Ann.

The duke turned his attention to her with an engaged smile.His look, his bow, his bearing, in the moment of their being presented to each other, had seemed to Miss Alicia the most perfect thing.His fine eye had not obviously wandered while he talked to her father, but it had in fact been taking her in with an inclusiveness not likely to miss agreeable points of detail.

"What is her opinion, may I ask?" he said."What does she say?""Grandmother is very set in her ways, your Grace." The limpidity of her blue eye and a flickering dimple added much to the quaint comprehensiveness of her answer."She says the world's that full of fools that if they were all killed the Lord would have to begin again with a new Adam and Eve.""She has entire faith in Mr.Temple Barholm--as you have," put forward his Grace.

"Mine's not faith exactly.I know him," Little Ann answered, her tone as limpid as her eyes.

"There's more than her has faith in him," broke forth Hutchinson.

"Danged if I don't like th' way them village chaps are taking it.

They're ready to fight over it.Since they've found out what it's come to, an' about th' lawyers comin' down, they're talkin' about gettin'

up a kind o' demonstration."

"Delightful!" ejaculated his Grace again.He leaned forward."Quite what I should have expected.There's a good deal of beer drunk, Isuppose."

"Plenty o' beer, but it'll do no harm." Hutchinson began to chuckle.

"They're talkin' o' gettin' out th' fife an' drum band an' marchin'

round th' village with a calico banner with `Vote for T.Tembarom'

painted on it, to show what they think of him."The duke chuckled also.

"I wonder how he's managed it?" he laughed."They wouldn't do it for any of the rest of us, you know, though I've no doubt we're quite as deserving.I am, I know."Hutchinson stopped laughing and turned on Miss Alicia.

"What's that young woman comin' down here for?" he inquired.

"Lady Joan was engaged to Mr.James Temple Barholm," Miss Alicia answered.

"Eh! Eh!" Hutchinson jerked out."That'll turn her into a wildcat, I'll warrant.She'll do all th' harm she can.I'm much obliged to you for lettin' us come, ma'am.I want to be where I can stand by him.""Father," said Little Ann, "what you have got to remember is that you mustn't fly into a passion.You know you've always said it never did any good, and it only sends the blood to your head.""You are not nervous, Miss Hutchinson?" the duke suggested.

"About Mr.Temple Barholm? I couldn't be, your Grace.If I was to see two policemen bringing him in handcuffed I shouldn't be nervous.Ishould know the handcuffs didn't belong to him, and the policemen would look right-down silly to me."Miss Alicia fluttered over to fold her in her arms.

"Do let me kiss you," she said."Do let me, Little Ann!"Little Ann had risen at once to meet her embrace.She put a hand on her arm.

"We don't know anything about this really," she said."We've only heard what people say.We haven't heard what he says.I'm going to wait." They were all looking at her,-- the duke with such marked interest that she turned toward him as she ended."And if I had to wait until I was as old as grandmother I'd wait--and nothing would change my mind.""And I've been lying awake at night!" softly wailed Miss Alicia.

  • 蓝涧集


  • 曲品


  • 胎产秘书


  • 佛说栴檀香身陀罗尼经


  • 唐享太庙乐章·凯安


  • 神级异能保镖


  • 仙魔演义1:风云变


  • 太上洞神三皇仪


  • 网游之雄起神国


  • 长生王朝


  • 鬼途夜行


  • 华人十大科学家:李远哲


    李远哲(Yuan TsehLee),1986年以分子水平化学反应动力学的研究与赫施巴赫(Dudley R. Hechbach)及约翰·波兰伊(John C.Polanyi)共获诺贝尔化学奖,是第一位获得诺贝尔化学奖的台湾人。目前为“中央研究院”、美国人文与科学学院、美国国家科学院,以及德国哥廷根科学院等之院士。于1994年1月15日,放弃美国国籍,回到台湾。《李远哲》由朱丹、孟繁玲编著,是“华人十大科学家”系列丛书之一。《李远哲》记述了李远哲的成长之路,他的童年时代,他的求学历程,他的梦想,他的探索与实践,他的勇敢为人类带来了认知世界的曙光。
  • 一方小世界


  • 少年说梦


  • 山海夜行

