

It consists in a general raising of the hat to all mankind; in a daily walk that never hurries itself into a jostling trot, inconvenient to passengers on the pavement; in a placid voice, a soft smile, and a small cup of coffee on a boulevard. It means all this, but I could never find that it meant any more. There is a nation for which one is almost driven to think that such political aspirations as these are suitable; but that nation is certainly not the States of America.

And yet one finds many American gentlemen who have allowed themselves to be drifted into such a theory. They have begun the world as republican citizens, and as such they must go on. But in their travels and their studies, and in the luxury of their life, they have learned to dislike the rowdiness of their country's politics. They want things to be soft and easy; as republican as you please, but with as little noise as possible. The President is there for four years. Why not elect him for eight, for twelve, or for life?--for eternity if it were possible to find one who could continue to live? It is to this way of thinking that Americans are driven, when the polish of Europe has made the roughness of their own elections odious to them.

"Have you seen any of our great institootions, sir?" That of course is a question which is put to every Englishman who has visited New York, and the Englishman who intends to say that he has seen New York, should visit many of them. I went to schools, hospitals, lunatic asylums, institutes for deaf and dumb, water-works, historical societies, telegraph offices, and large commercial establishments. I rather think that I did my work in a thorough and conscientious manner, and I owe much gratitude to those who guided me on such occasions. Perhaps I ought to describe all these institutions; but were I to do so, I fear that I should inflict fifty or sixty very dull pages on my readers. If I could make all that I saw as clear and intelligible to others as it was made to me who saw it, I might do some good. But I know that Ishould fail. I marveled much at the developed intelligence of a room full of deaf and dumb pupils, and was greatly astonished at the performance of one special girl, who seemed to be brighter and quicker, and more rapidly easy with her pen than girls generally are who can hear and talk; but I cannot convey my enthusiasm to others. On such a subject a writer may be correct, may be exhaustive, may be statistically great; but he can hardly be entertaining, and the chances are that he will not be instructive.

  • 回味元朝


    蒙古帝国瓦解后,元朝没有能经受住一个世纪的风霜。在游牧民族与农耕民族的文化冲突中,在大自然给予的无情灾害中,在帝国内部不断的争权夺利中,在统治者的腐化堕落中,元朝退出了历史舞台,最终消失在了岁月的长河之中。 今天我们来阅读这段历史,就是希望尊敬的读者们,能在茶余饭后的小憩中,对这段历史有一个粗略的了解。如果能够通过了解历史,了解这些帝王将相的功过成败,得到某些启迪,或者产生某种共鸣,抑或得到一些知识,便使作者心中足感快慰。 回味历史,历史早已消失在了昨天,而在那段历史中的无数个鲜活形象,以及那些对后世影响深远的事件,却久远地记载在春秋史籍中。
  • 娇妻时代:霸道总裁轻轻爱


  • 重生之嫡女绝


  • 末世永生系统


  • 谁说相濡不以沫


  • 道愿


  • 大陆黄金运台秘事


  • 探索者联盟


  • 天仙道成传奇


  • 千幻道师

