

Now things every bit as wild as this are being received in silence every day.All strokes slip on the smoothness of a polished wall.Ail blows fall soundless on the softness of a padded cell.For madness is a passive as well as an active state:it is a paralysis,a refusal of the nerves to respond to the normal stimuli,as well as an unnatural stimulation.There are commonwealths,plainly to be distinguished here and there in history,which pass from prosperity to squalor,or from glory to insignificance,or from freedom to slavery,not only in silence,but with serenity.The face still smiles while the limbs,literally and loathsomely,are dropping from the body.These are peoples that have lost the power of astonishment at their own actions.When they give birth to a fantastic fashion or a foolish law,they do not start or stare at the monster they have brought forth.They have grown used to their own unreason;chaos is their cosmos;and the whirlwind is the breath of their nostrils.These nations are really in danger of going off their heads en masse;of becoming one vast vision of imbecility,with toppling cities and crazy country-sides,all dotted with industrious lunatics.

One of these countries is modern England.

Now here is an actual instance,a small ease of how our social conscience really works:tame in spirit,wild in result,blank in realisation;a thing without the light of mind in it.I take this paragraph from a daily paper :-"At Epping,yesterday,Thomas Woolbourne,a Lambourne labourer,and his wife were summoned for neglecting their five children.

Dr.Alpin said he was invited by the inspector of the N.S.P.C.C.to visit defendants'cottage.Both the cottage and the children were dirty.

The children looked exceedingly well in health,but the conditions would be serious in case of illness.Defendants were stated to be sober.The man was discharged.The woman,who said she was hampered by the cottage having no water supply and that she was ill,was sentenced to six weeks'imprisonment.The sentence caused surprise,and the woman was removed crying,'Lord save me!'"I know no name for this but Chinese.It calls up the mental picture of some archaic and changeless Eastern Court,in which men with dried faces and stiff ceremonial costumes perform some atrocious cruelty to the accompaniment of formal proverbs and sentences of which the very meaning has been forgotten.In both cases the only thing in the whole farrago that can be called real is the wrong.If we apply the lightest touch of reason to the whole Epping prosecution it dissolves into nothing.

I here challenge any person in his five wits to tell me what that woman was sent to prison for.Either it was for being poor,or it was for being ill.Nobody could suggest,nobody will suggest,nobody,as a matter of fact,did suggest,that she had committed any other crime.The doctor was called in by a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.Was this woman guilty of cruelty to children?Not in the least.Did the doctor say she was guilty of cruelty to children?Not in the least.Was these any evidence even remotely bearing on the sin of cruelty?Not a rap.The worse that the doctor could work himself up to saying was that though the children were "exceedingly"well,the conditions would be serious in case of illness.If the doctor will tell me any conditions that would be comic in case of illness,I shall attach more weight to his argument.

Now this is the worst effect of modern worry.The mad doctor has gone mad.He is literally and practically mad;and still he is quite literally and practically a doctor.The only question is the old one,Quis docebit ipsum doctorem?Now cruelty to children is an utterly unnatural thing;instinctively accursed of earth and heaven.But neglect of children is a natural thing;like neglect of any other duty,it is a mere difference of degree that divides extending arms and legs in calisthenics and extending them on the rack.It is a mere difference of degree that separates any operation from any torture.The thumb-screw can easily be called Manicure.Being pulled about by wild horses can easily be called Massage.The modern problem is not so much what people will endure as what they will not endure.But I fear I interrupt....

The boiling oil is boiling;and the Tenth Mandarin is already reciting the "Seventeen Serious Principles and the Fifty-three Virtues of the Sacred Emperor."

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    《宁夏文学精品丛书:散文卷》由宁夏人民出版社出版。宁夏是一片历史文化积淀深厚的边塞大地,也是文学的沃壤。这里的土地和人民、风物和人情成为了宁夏作家书写、赞美与思索的主要内容和对象,他们力求从西部荒凉的表象下寻找和挖掘人们顽强的生存状态和坚韧的民族性格。特别是新时期以来,从张贤亮到以“三棵树” “新三棵树”为代表的宁夏青年作家群,以独特的生活经验、历史记忆和诗意的言说,创作了大批优秀作品,用文学的方式在这片古老而神奇的土地上发出生命的强音,营植出一道令人瞩目的文学景观。他们的作品不仅丰富了当代中国文学,同时也为读者提供了一个了解宁夏乃至西部的精神入口。
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