

The cabman proved to be immovable. Charged with mistaking the place, he pointed to the empty shop window. "I don't know what you may have seen, gentlemen," he remarked; "but there's the only shop window I ever saw with nothing at all inside it. _That_fixed the place in my mind at the time, and I know it again when I see it." Charged with mistaking the person or the day, or the house at which he had taken the person up, the cabman proved to be still unassailable. The servant who fetched him was marked as a girl well known on the stand. The day was marked as the unluckiest working-day he had had since the first of the year;and the lady was marked as having had her money ready at the right moment (which not one elderly lady in a hundred usually had), and having paid him his fare on demand without disputing it (which not one elderly lady in a hundred usually did). "Take my number, gentlemen," concluded the cabman, "and pay me for my time; and what I've said to you, I'll swear to anywhere."Pedgift made a note in his pocket-book of the man's number.

Having added to it the name of the street, and the names on the two brass plates, he quietly opened the cab door. "We are quite in the dark, thus far," he said. "Suppose we grope our way back to the hotel?"He spoke and looked more seriously than usual The mere fact of "Mrs. Mandeville's" having changed her lodging without telling any one where she was going, and without leaving any address at which letters could be forwarded to her--which the jealous malignity of Mrs. Milroy had interpreted as being undeniably suspicious in itself--had produced no great impression on the more impartial judgment of Allan's solicitor. People frequently left their lodgings in a private manner, with perfectly producible reasons for doing so. But the appearance of the place to which the cabman persisted in declaring that he had driven "Mrs. Mandeville" set the character and proceedings of that mysterious lady before Pedgift Junior in a new light. His personal interest in the inquiry suddenly strengthened, and he began to feel a curiosity to know the real nature of Allan's business which he had not felt yet.

"Our next move, Mr. Armadale, is not a very easy move to see," he said, as they drove back to the hotel. "Do you think you could put me in possession of any further particulars?"Allan hesitated; and Pedgift Junior saw that he had advanced a little too far. "I mustn't force it," he thought; "I must give it time, and let it come of its own accord." "In the absence of any other information, sir," he resumed, "what do you say to my making some inquiry about that queer shop, and about those two names on the door-plate? My business in London, when I leave you, is of a professional nature; and I am going into the right quarter for getting information, if it is to be got.""There can't be any harm, I suppose, in making inquiries,"replied Allan.

He, too, spoke more seriously than usual; he, too, was beginning to feel an all-mastering curiosity to know more. Some vague connection, not to be distinctly realized or traced out, began to establish itself in his mind between the difficulty of approaching Miss Gwilt's family circumstances and the difficulty of approaching Miss Gwilt's reference. "I'll get down and walk, and leave you to go on to your business," he said. "I want to consider a little about this, and a walk and a cigar will help me.""My business will be done, sir, between one and two," said Pedgift, when the cab had been stopped, and Allan had got out.

"Shall we meet again at two o'clock, at the hotel?"Allan nodded, and the cab drove off.

  • 月亮歪歪眼睛眨啊眨


  • 洪荒仙界


  • 断魂念


  • 诗经(中华国学经典)


  • 重生之筱暮年华


  • 火影冰之王子


  • 我的世界之MC传奇


  • 天使高校:我不是天使


  • 我不为妃


    明成祖朱棣,千古帝王,有人说他弑亲夺位,阴谋深深,只是,有多少人了解真实?他,手中有一条狰狞的疤痕,这,才是他的激励。面对世人,只会藏起手心,掩盖自己。唯独对她,才会打开掌心,敞开心房,用全部接受她…但是!不容背叛!...她,再度穿越,一介孕妇,有妇之夫,却不知夫是谁,孩子无名。。。他带来的温暖,让她打开心扉,却在爱上的一刻,记起子泫!子泫是她的夫,孩子的父,她的爱人。爱上两个男人,几乎不可能,却好像是诅咒,让她深陷如此,她怕!怕受到天的责罚!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.马车恍恍悠悠,烛火轻颤…朱棣轻拥住我,含住我的耳垂:“你爱上我了么?”我打了一个寒颤,撑着他的胸膛想推开他,调笑道:“还没有,我在等你爱上我!”“是吗?”他的动作有些过分。我的手不小心,碰到他下身的炽热。—————(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……———————
  • 逆天伐神传

