

MADGE.[Balefully.] You've killed her, for all your soft words, you and your father ENID.[With rage and emotion.] That's wicked! My father is suffering himself through this wretched strike.

MADGE.[With sombre triumph.] Then tell him Mrs.Roberts is dead!

That 'll make him better.

ENID.Go away!

MADGE.When a person hurts us we get it back on them.

[She makes a sudden and swift movement towards ENID, fixing her eyes on the child's frock lying across the little table.ENIDsnatches the frock up, as though it were the child itself.They stand a ,yard apart, crossing glances.]

MADGE.[Pointing to the frock with a little smile.] Ah! You felt that! Lucky it's her mother--not her children--you've to look after, is n't it.She won't trouble you long!

ENID.Go away!

MADGE.I've given you the message.

[She turns and goes out into the hall.ENID, motionless till she has gone, sinks down at the table, bending her head over the frock, which she is still clutching to her.The double-doors are opened, and ANTHONY comes slowly in; he passes his daughter, and lowers himself into an arm-chair.He is very flushed.]

ENID.[Hiding her emotion-anxiously.] What is it, Dad?

[ANTHONY makes a gesture, but does not speak.]

Who was it?

[ANTHONY does not answer.ENID going to the double-doors meets EDGAR Coming in.They speak together in low tones.]

What is it, Ted?

EDGAR.That fellow Wilder! Taken to personalities! He was downright insulting.

ENID.What did he say?

EDGAR.Said, Father was too old and feeble to know what he was doing! The Dad's worth six of him!

ENID.Of course he is.

[They look at ANTHONY.]

[The doors open wider, WANKLIN appears With SCANTLEBURY.]

SCANTLEBURY.[Sotto voce.] I don't like the look of this!

WANKLIN.[Going forward.] Come, Chairman! Wilder sends you his apologies.A man can't do more.

[WILDER, followed by TENCH, comes in, and goes to ANTHONY.]

WILDER.[Glumly.] I withdraw my words, sir.I'm sorry.

[ANTHONY nods to him.]

ENID.You have n't come to a decision, Mr.Wanklin?

[WANKLIN shakes his head.]

WANKLIN.We're all here, Chairman; what do you say? Shall we get on with the business, or shall we go back to the other room?

SCANTLEBURY.Yes, yes; let's get on.We must settle something.

[He turns from a small chair, and settles himself suddenly in the largest chair with a sigh of comfort.]

[WILDER and WANKLIN also sit; and TENCH, drawing up a straight-backed chair close to his Chairman, sits on the edge of it with the minute-book and a stylographic pen.]

ENID.[Whispering.) I want to speak to you a minute, Ted.

[They go out through the double-doors.]

WANKLIN.Really, Chairman, it's no use soothing ourselves with a sense of false security.If this strike's not brought to an end before the General Meeting, the shareholders will certainly haul us over the coals.

SCANTLEBURY.[Stirring.] What--what's that?

WANKLIN.I know it for a fact.

ANTHONY.Let them!

WILDER.And get turned out?

WANKLIN.[To ANTHONY.] I don't mind martyrdom for a policy in which I believe, but I object to being burnt for some one else's principles.

SCANTLEBURY.Very reasonable--you must see that, Chairman.

ANTHONY.We owe it to other employers to stand firm.

WANKLIN.There's a limit to that.

ANTHONY.You were all full of fight at the start.

SCANTLEBURY.[With a sort of groan.] We thought the men would give in, but they-have n't!

ANTHONY.They will!

WILDER.[Rising and pacing up and down.] I can't have my reputation as a man of business destroyed for the satisfaction of starving the men out.[Almost in tears.] I can't have it! How can we meet the shareholders with things in the state they are?

SCANTLEBURY.Hear, hear--hear, hear!

WILDER.[Lashing himself.] If any one expects me to say to them I've lost you fifty thousand pounds and sooner than put my pride in my pocket I'll lose you another.[Glancing at ANTHONY.] It's--it's unnatural! I don't want to go against you, sir.

WANKLIN.[Persuasively.] Come Chairman, we 're not free agents.

We're part of a machine.Our only business is to see the Company earns as much profit as it safely can.If you blame me for want of principle: I say that we're Trustees.Reason tells us we shall never get back in the saving of wages what we shall lose if we continue this struggle--really, Chairman, we must bring it to an end, on the best terms we can make.


[There is a pause of general dismay.]

WILDER.It's a deadlock then.[Letting his hands drop with a sort of despair.] Now I shall never get off to Spain!

WANKLIN.[Retaining a trace of irony.] You hear the consequences of your victory, Chairman?

WILDER.[With a burst of feeling.] My wife's ill!

SCANTLEBURY.Dear, dear! You don't say so.

WILDER.If I don't get her out of this cold, I won't answer for the consequences.

[Through the double-doors EDGAR comes in looking very grave.]

EDGAR.[To his Father.] Have you heard this, sir? Mrs.Roberts is dead!

[Every one stages at him, as if trying to gauge the importance of this news.]

Enid saw her this afternoon, she had no coals, or food, or anything.

It's enough!

[There is a silence, every one avoiding the other's eyes, except ANTHONY, who stares hard at his son.]

SCANTLEBURY.You don't suggest that we could have helped the poor thing?

WILDER.[Flustered.] The woman was in bad health.Nobody can say there's any responsibility on us.At least--not on me.

EDGAR.[Hotly.] I say that we are responsible.

ANTHONY.War is war!

EDGAR.Not on women!

WANKLIN.It not infrequently happens that women are the greatest sufferers.

EDGAR.If we knew that, all the more responsibility rests on us.

ANTHONY.This is no matter for amateurs.

EDGAR.Call me what you like, sir.It's sickened me.We had no right to carry things to such a length.

WILDER.I don't like this business a bit--that Radical rag will twist it to their own ends; see if they don't! They'll get up some cock and bull story about the poor woman's dying from starvation.Iwash my hands of it.

EDGAR.You can't.None of us can.

  • 十二楼


  • Never Again

    Never Again

  • 鉴堂一禅师语录


  • 七剑十三侠


  • 说妙法决定业障经


  • 重生男配:爱妃,到朕怀里来


  • 青春的光痕


  • 破尘之新秩序


  • 白色眷恋


  • 魔法少女复仇之路


  • 卿本红装:傲娇太子妃


  • 大小姐的王牌特工


  • 都市修仙神医


  • 倾城一舞只为你


  • 红叶漂旅


    《红叶漂旅诗集》共二百首诗词,包括国内篇和异域篇两个部分,真实而又浪漫地描绘出在中国、加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等地的 风雨人生,自然与世态的种种感悟和漂旅行程。国内篇涵盖国内的峥嵘岁月、坎坷生涯、世间百态、社会缩影、美好河山……