
第3章 Content(3)

Dawson's Monday evenings, he and the invalid lady having been friends from long ago. These and ourselves kept steady visitors, and enjoyed ourselves all the more from having the more of Mrs. Dawson's society.

One evening I had brought the little stool close to her sofa, and was caressing her thin white hand, when the thought came into my head and out I spoke it.

"Tell me, dear Mrs. Dawson," said I, "how long you have been in Edinburgh; you do not speak Scotch, and Mr. Dawson says he is not Scotch.""No, I am Lancashire--Liverpool-born," said she, smiling. "Don't you hear it in my broad tongue?""I hear something different to other people, but I like it because it is just you; is that Lancashire?""I dare say it is; for, though I am sure Lady Ludlow took pains enough to correct me in my younger days, I never could get rightly over the accent.""Lady Ludlow," said I, "what had she to do with you? I heard you talking about her to Lady Madeline Stuart the first evening I ever came here; you and she seemed so fond of Lady Ludlow; who is she?""She is dead, my child; dead long ago."

I felt sorry I had spoken about her, Mrs. Dawson looked so grave and sad. I suppose she perceived my sorrow, for she went on and said--"My dear, I like to talk and to think of Lady Ludlow: she was my true, kind friend and benefactress for many years; ask me what you like about her, and do not think you give me pain."I grew bold at this.

"Will you tell me all about her, then, please, Mrs. Dawson?""Nay," said she, smiling, "that would be too long a story. Here are Signor Sperano, and Miss Duncan, and Mr. and Mrs. Preston are coming to-night, Mr. Preston told me; how would they like to hear an old-world story which, after all, would be no story at all, neither beginning, nor middle, nor end, only a bundle of recollections?""If you speak of me, madame," said Signor Sperano, "I can only say you do me one great honour by recounting in my presence anything about any person that has ever interested you."Miss Duncan tried to say something of the same kind. In the middle of her confused speech, Mr. and Mrs. Preston came in. I sprang up; Iwent to meet them.

"Oh," said I, "Mrs. Dawson is just going to tell us all about Lady Ludlow, and a great deal more, only she is afraid it won't interest anybody: do say you would like to hear it!"Mrs. Dawson smiled at me, and in reply to their urgency she promised to tell us all about Lady Ludlow, on condition that each one of us should, after she had ended, narrate something interesting, which we had either heard, or which had fallen within our own experience. We all promised willingly, and then gathered round her sofa to hear what she could tell us about my Lady Ludlow.

[At this point comes "My Lady Ludlow"--already released by Project Gutenberg]

As any one may guess, it had taken Mrs. Dawson several Monday evenings to narrate all this history of the days of her youth. Miss Duncan thought it would be a good exercise for me, both in memory and composition, to write out on Tuesday mornings all that I had heard the night before; and thus it came to pass that I have the manuscript of "My Lady Ludlow" now lying by me.

Mr. Dawson had often come in and out of the room during the time that his sister had been telling us about Lady Ludlow. He would stop, and listen a little, and smile or sigh as the case might be. The Monday after the dear old lady had wound up her tale (if tale it could be called), we felt rather at a loss what to talk about, we had grown so accustomed to listen to Mrs. Dawson. I remember I was saying, "Oh, dear! I wish some one would tell us another story!" when her brother said, as if in answer to my speech, that he had drawn up a paper all ready for the Philosophical Society, and that perhaps we might care to hear it before it was sent off: it was in a great measure compiled from a French book, published by one of the Academies, and rather dry in itself; but to which Mr. Dawson's attention had been directed, after a tour he had made in England during the past year, in which he had noticed small walled-up doors in unusual parts of some old parish churches, and had been told that they had formerly been appropriated to the use of some half-heathen race, who, before the days of gipsies, held the same outcast pariah position in most of the countries of western Europe. Mr. Dawson had been recommended to the French book which he named, as containing the fullest and most authentic account of this mysterious race, the Cagots. I did not think I should like hearing this paper as much as a story; but, of course, as he meant it kindly, we were bound to submit, and I found it, on the whole, more interesting than I anticipated.

[At this point comes "An Accursed Race"--already released by Project Gutenberg]

For some time past I had observed that Miss Duncan made a good deal of occupation for herself in writing, but that she did not like me to notice her employment. Of course this made me all the more curious;and many were my silent conjectures--some of them so near the truth that I was not much surprised when, after Mr. Dawson had finished reading his Paper to us, she hesitated, coughed, and abruptly introduced a little formal speech, to the effect that she had noted down an old Welsh story the particulars of which had often been told her in her youth, as she lived close to the place where the events occurred. Everybody pressed her to read the manuscript, which she now produced from her reticule; but, when on the point of beginning, her nervousness seemed to overcome her, and she made so many apologies for its being the first and only attempt she had ever made at that kind of composition, that I began to wonder if we should ever arrive at the story at all. At length, in a high-pitched, ill-assured voice, she read out the title:

  • 乐邦遗稿


  • 蒲犁厅乡土志


  • 诗地理考


  • 加句灵验佛顶尊胜陀罗尼记


  • 仰节堂集


  • 爱恨相依陌上忘情君相伴


  • 青春向左池院向右


  • 推销口才


  • 越界而来


  • 云天道


  • 辉煌法神


  • 福妻驾到


  • 芳华似锦


  • 恶魔经纪人:影后,晚上见


    她从前叫Annie,暴发户富豪老爹风流成性,同父异母的兄弟姐妹们争宠如夺嫡般惨烈。人生得意须尽欢,拿到家产先开个盛大的豪门趴,胜利者Annie一夜狂欢后,再醒来就变成了“安妮”。围观群众请求女主不要装逼:Annie和安妮不就是中英文没切换?一脸懵逼的女主:“……我想静静。”Annie,28岁,超级暴发户正宫之女,秉承“人生如戏全靠演技”的指导思想,成功在争夺家业的战斗中胜出,预计可分到的家产达XX亿,是狂蜂浪蝶们追逐的人生赢家!安妮,18岁,贫民窟美少女。人生经历可略。吃瓜群众很羡慕:年轻了十岁,还貌美!Annie:……年轻十岁有屁用,过十年我的几十亿能自动回来?姐不需要貌美,从前是我用钱包养小白脸,现在难道要靠脸被包养?!这操蛋的穿越!……“叮,恭喜女主成功觉醒天赋技能《人生如戏,全靠演技》,请完成终极任务:成为全民喜爱的女神。任务完成后,女主可以选择回到原本世界继续富豪人生。”等等,你憋走,你说清楚,什么是全民女神??还有,劳资会五国语言,学的是经济贸易,武能斗小三姨娘,文可撕争产的妖艳贱货,所有富家千金该懂的都懂,不该懂的也懂……天赋技能居然只是“演技”?!妈的智障,真要成为全民女神后,姐为啥要选择回去!……这是一个不圣母不纯洁的伪少女,被努力想出人头地的禁欲型经纪人男主捡回去签约,本打算养成个超级巨星,养着养着却和谐的爱情故事。女主从前是富二代,现在是穷N代,努力想重回巅峰做回人民币玩家。男主本来可以当二代,却努力想把自己变成富一代,让自己的老婆可以当人民币玩家。安妮:你居然有老婆?!沈大经纪人:老婆么么哒(づ ̄3 ̄)づPS:女主演技强,能力强,性格很彪,喜欢演戏,演戏赚钱后把钱花掉。男主颜值高,“能力”强,性格高冷,喜欢赚钱和宠老婆,赚到钱后把钱都给老婆花掉。《跳坑前须知:作者是一名外表清纯的污妖王,不要问我男主什么能力强,我还是个宝宝。》
  • 英雄联盟之修真崛起

