


[The following address was delivered at a soiree of the Liverpool Mechanics' Institution, at which Mr.Dickens presided.]

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, - It was rather hard of you to take away my breath before I spoke a word; but I would not thank you, even if Icould, for the favour which has set me in this place, or for the generous kindness which has greeted me so warmly, - because my first strong impulse still would be, although I had that power, to lose sight of all personal considerations in the high intent and meaning of this numerous assemblage, in the contemplation of the noble objects to which this building is devoted, of its brilliant and inspiring history, of that rough, upward track, so bravely trodden, which it leaves behind, and that bright path of steadily-increasing usefulness which lies stretched out before it.My first strong impulse still would be to exchange congratulations with you, as the members of one united family, on the thriving vigour of this strongest child of a strong race.My first strong impulse still would be, though everybody here had twice as many hundreds of hands as there are hundreds of persons present, to shake them in the spirit, everyone, always, allow me to say, excepting those hands (and there are a few such here), which, with the constitutional infirmity of human nature, I would rather salute in some more tender fashion.

When I first had the honour of communicating with your Committee with reference to this celebration, I had some selfish hopes that the visit proposed to me might turn out to be one of congratulation, or, at least, of solicitous inquiry; for they who receive a visitor in any season of distress are easily touched and moved by what he says, and I entertained some confident expectation of making a mighty strong impression on you.But, when I came to look over the printed documents which were forwarded to me at the same time, and with which you are all tolerably familiar, these anticipations very speedily vanished, and left me bereft of all consolation, but the triumphant feeling to which I have referred.

For what do I find, on looking over those brief chronicles of this swift conquest over ignorance and prejudice, in which no blood has been poured out, and no treaty signed but that one sacred compact which recognises the just right of every man, whatever his belief, or however humble his degree, to aspire, and to have some means of aspiring, to be a better and a wiser man? I find that, in 1825, certain misguided and turbulent persons proposed to erect in Liverpool an unpopular, dangerous, irreligious, and revolutionary establishment, called a Mechanics' Institution; that, in 1835, Liverpool having, somehow or other, got on pretty comfortably in the meantime, in spite of it, the first stone of a new and spacious edifice was laid; that, in 1837, it was opened; that, it was afterwards, at different periods, considerably enlarged; that, in 1844, conspicuous amongst the public beauties of a beautiful town, here it stands triumphant, its enemies lived down, its former students attesting, in their various useful callings and pursuits, the sound, practical information it afforded them; its members numbering considerably more than 3,000, and setting in rapidly for 6,000 at least; its library comprehending 11,000 volumes, and daily sending forth its hundreds of books into private homes; its staff of masters and officers, amounting to half-a-hundred in themselves;its schools, conveying every sort of instruction, high and low, adapted to the labour, means, exigencies, and convenience of nearly every class and grade of persons.I was here this morning, and in its spacious halls I found stores of the wonders worked by nature in the air, in the forest, in the cavern, and in the sea - stores of the surpassing engines devised by science for the better knowledge of other worlds, and the greater happiness of this -stores of those gentler works of art, which, though achieved in perishable stone, by yet more perishable hands of dust, are in their influence immortal.With such means at their command, so well-directed, so cheaply shared, and so extensively diffused, well may your Committee say, as they have done in one of their Reports, that the success of this establishment has far exceeded their most sanguine expectations.

  • 佛说金光王童子经


  • 申日儿本经


  • 五灯会元


  • 二京赋




  • 收魂天师


  • 别叫我们怪胎


  • 说话细节全书


  • 傲世萌狐:妖妃要出走


  • 一念成魔一念封


  • 绝霸仙界


  • 那时的妖族


  • 婉婉“到”来


  • 倾城废材要翻身


  • 慧缘佛医学


    慧缘佛医学是慧缘上师数十年来对佛教医学研究应用和教学的总结,有很高的研究和实用价值。 慧缘佛医学的问世,不仅向人们揭示了佛教医学的奥秘和特点,其最大的愿望是给各寺庙有志研习佛教医学的僧尼法师们提供一本完善的学习范本,也给对佛教医疗学有兴趣的各界人士提供了一本参考书,书中较详细地介绍了佛医学的来龙去脉,佛教医学神秘的特点及运用方法,并将现代中西医学理论和方法与之相结合,使佛教医疗学更趋于完善,也使之更便于学习和运用。 由于本书是向人们提供一种古老而新颖的医疗保健和养生方法,其中许多方法对很多疑难杂病具有独特和神奇的疗效。