

I stopped.He explained to me that he had a Tartar coachman, and that this coachman having seen an Armenian on the road before him, could find nothing better to do than run full tilt into the Armenian's equipage.He had reached over and taken the reins from him, but a wheel of the carriage was broken." (Rouletabille quivered, because he caught a glance of communication between Prince Galitch and Natacha, who was leaning over the edge of her box.) "So Ioffered to take Gounsovski and his friends into my carriage, and we rode all together to Bakou after Gounsovski, who always wishes to do a service, as Athanase Georgevitch says, had warned his Tartar coachman not to finish the Armenian." (Prince Galitch, at the moment the orchestra commenced the introductory music for Annouchka's new number, took advantage of all eyes being turned toward the rising curtain to pass near Natacha's seat.This time he did not look at Natacha, but Rouletabille was sure that his lips had moved as he went by her.)Thaddeus continued: "It is necessary to explain that at Bakou my little house is one of the first before you reach the quay.I had some Armenian employees there.When arrived, what do you suppose I saw? A file of soldiers with cannon, yes, with a cannon, on my word, turned against my house and an officer saying quietly, 'there it is.Fire!'" (Rouletabille made yet another discovery - two, three discoveries.Near by, standing back of Natacha's seat, was a figure not unknown to the young reporter, and there, in one of the orchestra chairs, were two other men whose faces he had seen that same morning in Koupriane's barracks.Here was where a memory for faces stood him in good stead.He saw that he was not the only person keeping close watch on Natacha.) "When I heard what the officer said," Thaddeus went on, "I nearly dropped out of the drojki.I hurried to the police commissioner.He explained the affair promptly, and I was quick to understand.During my absence one of my Armenian employees had fired at a Tartar who was passing.

For that matter, he had killed him.The governor was informed and had ordered the house to be bombarded, for an example, as had been done with several others.I found Gounsovski and told him the trouble in two words.He said it wasn't necessary for him to interfere in the affair, that I had only to talk to the officer.

'Give him a good present, a hundred roubles, and he will leave your house.I went back to the officer and took him aside; he said he wanted to do anything that he could for me, but that the order was positive to bombard the house.I reported his answer to Gounsovski, who told me: 'Tell him then to turn the muzzle of the cannon the other way and bombard the building of the chemist across the way, then he can always say that he mistook which house was intended.'

I did that, and he had them turn the cannon.They bombarded the chemist's place, and I got out of the whole thing for the hundred roubles.Gounsovski, the good fellow, may be a great lump of fat and be like an umbrella merchant, but I have always been grateful to him from the bottom of my heart, you can understand, Athanase Georgevitch.""What reputation has Prince Galitch at the court?" inquired Rouletabille all at once.

"Oh, oh!" laughed the others."Since he went so openly to visit Tolstoi he doesn't go to the court any more.""And - his opinions? What are his opinions?""Oh, the opinions of everybody are so mixed nowadays, nobody knows."Ivan Petrovitch said, "He passes among some people as very advanced and very much compromised.""Yet they don't bother him?" inquired Rouletabille.

Pooh, pooh," replied the gay Councilor of Empire, "it is rather he who tries to mix with them."Thaddeus stooped down and said, "They say that he can't be reached because of the hold he has over a certain great personage in the court, and it would be a scandal - a great scandal.""Be quiet, Thaddeus," interrupted Athanase Georgevitch, roughly.

"It is easy to see that you are lately from the provinces to speak so recklessly, but if you go on this way I shall leave.""Athanase Georgevitch is right; hang onto your mouth, Thaddeus,"counseled Ivan Petrovitch.

The talkers all grew silent, for the curtain was rising.In the audience there were mysterious allusions being made to this second number of Annouchka, but no one seemed able to say what it was to be, and it was, as a matter of fact, very simple.After the whirl-wind of dances and choruses and all the splendor with which she had been accompanied the first time, Annouchka appeared as a poor Russian peasant in a scene representing the barren steppes, and very simply she sank to her knees and recited her evening prayers.

Annouchka was singularly beautiful.Her aquiline nose with sensitive nostrils, the clean-cut outline of her eyebrows, her look that now was almost tender, now menacing, always unusual, her pale rounded cheeks and the entire expression of her face showed clearly the strength of new ideas, spontaneity, deep resolution and, above all, passion.The prayer was passionate.She had an admirable contralto voice which affected the audience strangely from its very first notes.She asked God for daily bread for everyone in the immense Russian land, daily bread for the flesh and for the spirit, and she stirred the tears of everyone there, to which-ever party they belonged.And when, as her last note sped across the desolate steppe and she rose and walked toward the miserable hut, frantic bravos from a delirious audience told her the prodigious emotions she had aroused.Little Rouletabille, who, not understanding the words, nevertheless caught the spirit of that prayer, wept.

  • 名家经典散文选:宏论博天下·议论卷


    “名家经典散文选”,包括 《万事融笔端·叙事卷》 《挥笔如传神·写人卷》 《情动于心中·抒情卷》 《情景两依依·情景卷》 《滴水见阳光·哲理卷》 《闲情说理趣·随笔卷》 《提笔如出鞘·杂文卷》 《宏论博天下·议论卷》共8册。本套散文所选文章除了当代我国的名家精品之外,还选择了一些当代外国名家经典散文,诸如法国作家雨果、大仲马,英国哲学家罗素,印度文豪泰戈尔等。这些中外文学大家的作品,知识丰富,思想深刻,对于我们开阔眼界、提升素养都有极大的帮助。这些散文大多以一种轻松随意的文笔,朴实自然地展现出了名家散文的基本状况,并以这些名家生卒时间为顺序进行编排,充分体现了这些名家散文的个性魅力和风格特色。
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