
第47章 CHAPTER IX(4)

Your grandfather thought him as straight as a string in money matters.""You said just now he was careless and extravagant.""Well, I did him wrong, and I'm sorry for it. How did he manage to need eighty thousand pounds?""It is rather a pitiful story, grandmother, but he never once blamed those who were in the wrong. His son for many years had been the real manager of the estate. He was a speculator; his grandsons were wild and extravagant. They began to borrow money ten years ago and had to go on.""Whom did they borrow from?"

"Fred Mostyn's father."

"The devil! Excuse me, Ethel--but the name suits and may stand.""The dear old Squire would have taken the fault on himself if he could have done so.

They that wronged him were his own, and they were dead. He never spoke of them but with affection.""Poor Percival! Your father told me he was now out of Mostyn's power; he said you had saved the estate, but he gave me no particulars. How did you save it?""Bought it!"


"House and lands and outlying farms and timber--everything."Then a rosy color overspread Madam's face, her eyes sparkled, she rose to her feet, made Ethel a sweeping courtesy, and said:

"My respect and congratulations to Ethel, Lady of Rawdon Manor.""Dear grandmother, what else could I do?"

"You did right."

"The Squire is Lord of the Manor as long as he lives. My father says I have done well to buy it. In the future, if I do not wish to keep it, Nicholas Rawdon will relieve me at a great financial advantage.""Why didn't you let Nicholas Rawdon buy it now?""He would have wanted prompt possession.

The Squire would have had to leave his home. It would have broken his heart.""I dare say. He has a soft, loving heart.

That isn't always a blessing. It can give one a deal of suffering. And I hear you have all been making idols of these Tyrrel-Rawdons.

Fred tells me they are as vulgar a lot as can be.""Fred lies! Excuse me, grandmother--but the word suits and may stand. Mr. Nicholas is pompous, and walks as slowly as if he had to carry the weight of his great fortune; but his manners are all right, and his wife and son are delightful. She is handsome, well dressed, and so good-hearted that her pretty county idioms are really charming. John Thomas is a man by himself--not handsome, but running over with good temper, and exceedingly clever and wide-awake. Many times I was forced to tell myself, John Thomas would make an ideal Squire of Rawdon.""Why don't you marry him."

"He never asked me."

"What was the matter with the men?"

"He was already engaged to a very lovely young lady.""I am glad she is a lady."

"She is also very clever. She has been to college and taken high honors, a thing I have not done.""You might have done and overdone that caper; you were too sensible to try it. Well, I'm glad that part of the family is looking up. They had the right stuff in them, and it is a good thing for families to dwell together in unity. We have King David's word for that. My observation leads me to think it is far better for families to dwell apart, in unity. They seldom get along comfortably together."Then Ethel related many pleasant, piquant scenes between the two families at Monk-Rawdon, and especially that one in which the room of the first Tyrrel had been opened and his likeness restored to its place in the family gallery. It touched the old lady to tears, and she murmured, "Poor lad! Poor lad! Iwonder if he knows! I wonder if he knows!"

The crucial point of Ethel's revelations had not yet been revealed, but Madam was now in a gentle mood, and Ethel took the opportunity to introduce her to Tyrrel Rawdon.

She was expecting and waiting for this topic, but stubbornly refused to give Ethel any help toward bringing it forward. At last, the girl felt a little anger at her pretended indifference, and said, "I suppose Fred Mostyn told you about Mr. Tyrrel Rawdon, of California?""Tyrrel Rawdon, of California! Pray, who may he be?""The son of Colonel Rawdon, of the United States Army.""Oh, to be sure! Well, what of him?"

"I am going to marry him."

"I shall see about that."

"We were coming here together to see you, but before we left the steamer he got a telegram urging him to go at once to his father, who is very ill.""I have not asked him to come and see me. Perhaps he will wait till I do so.""If you are not going to love Tyrrel, you need not love me. I won't have you for a grandmother any longer.""I did without you sixty years. I shall not live another twelve months, and I think I can manage to do without you for a granddaughter any longer.""You cannot do without me. You would break your heart, and I should break mine."Whereupon Ethel began to cry with a passion that quite gratified the old lady. She watched her a few moments, and then said gently:

"There now, that will do. When he comes to New York bring him to see me. And don't name the man in the meantime. I won't talk about him till I've seen him. It isn't fair either way. Fred didn't like him.""Fred likes no one but Dora Stanhope."

"Eh! What! Is that nonsense going on yet?"

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