
第17章 The Second Journey

By this time you will have gained a fair idea of Rob's character. H. is, in truth, a typical American boy, possessing an averag. intelligence not yet regulated by the balance-wheel of experience.

The mysteries of electricity were so attractive to his eager natur. that he had devoted considerable time and some study to electrica. experiment. but his study was the superficial kind that seeks t. master only such details as may be required at the moment. Moreover. he was full of boyish recklessness and irresponsibility and therefor. difficult to impress with the dignity of science and the gravity o. human existence. Life, to him, was a great theater wherein he sa. himself the most interesting if not the most important actor, and s. enjoyed the play with unbounded enthusiasm.

Aside from the extraordinary accident which had forced the Electrica. Demon into this life, Rob may be considered one of those youngster. who might possibly develop into a brilliant manhood or enter upon a. ordinary, humdrum existence, as Fate should determine. Just a. present he had no thought beyond the passing hour, nor would he bothe. himself by attempting to look ahead or plan for the future.

Yet the importance of his electrical possessions and the ster. injunction of the Demon to use them wisely had rendered the boy mor. thoughtful than at any previous time during his brief life, and h. became so preoccupied at the dinner table that his father and mothe. cast many anxious looks in his direction.

Of course Rob was anxious to test his newly-acquired powers, an. decided to lose no time in starting upon another journey. But he sai. nothing to any of the family about it, fearing to meet with opposition.

He passed the evening in the sitting-room, in company with his fathe. and mother and sisters, and even controlled his impatience to th. extent of playing a game of carom with Nell; but he grew so nervou. and impatient at last that his sister gave up the game in disgust an. left him to his own amusement.

At one time he thought of putting on the electric spectacles an. seeing what the real character of each member of his family might be;but a sudden fear took possession of him that he might regret the ac. forever afterward. They were his nearest and dearest friends o. earth, and in his boyish heart he loved them all and believed in thei. goodness and sincerity. The possibility of finding a bad characte. mark on any of their familiar faces made him shudder, and h. determined then and there never to use the spectacles to view th. face of a friend or relative. Had any one, at that moment, bee. gazing at Rob through the lenses of the wonderful Character Marker, Iam sure a big "W" would have been found upon the boy's forehead.

When the family circle broke up, and all retired for the night, Ro. kissed his parents and sisters with real affection before going to hi. own room. But, on reaching his cozy little chamber, instead o. preparing for bed Rob clothed himself in the Garment of Repulsion.

Then he covered the glittering Garment with his best summer suit o. clothes, which effectually concealed it.

He now looked around to see what else he should take, and thought o. an umbrella, a rain-coat, a book or two to read during the journey. and several things besides; but he ended by leaving them all behind.

"I can't be loaded down with so much truck," he decided; "and I'. going into civilized countries, this time, where I can get anythin. I need."However, to prevent a recurrence of the mistake he had previousl. made, he tore a map of the world and a map of Europe from hi. geography, and, folding them up, placed them in his pocket. He als. took a small compass that had once been a watch-charm, and, finally. the contents of a small iron bank that opened with a combination lock.

This represented all his savings, amounting to two dollars an. seventeen cents in dimes, nickles and pennies.

"It isn't a fortune," he thought, as he counted it up, "but I didn'. need any money the last trip, so perhaps I'll get along somehow. Idon't like to tackle Dad for more, for he might ask questions and tr. to keep me at home."By the time he had finished his preparations and stowed all hi. electrical belongings in his various pockets, it was nearly midnigh. and the house was quiet. So Rob stole down stairs in his stocking fee. and noiselessly opened the back door.

It was a beautiful July night and, in addition to the light of th. full moon, the sky was filled with the radiance of countless thousand. of brilliant stars.

After Rob had put on his shoes he unfolded the map, which was plainl. visible by the starlight, and marked the direction he must take t. cross the Atlantic and reach London, his first stopping place. The. he consulted his compass, put the indicator of his traveling machin. to the word "up," and shot swiftly into the air. When he had reache. a sufficient height he placed the indicator to a point north of eas. and, with a steady and remarkably swift flight, began his journey.

"Here goes," he remarked, with a sense of exaltation, "for another wee. of adventure. I wonder what'll happen between now and next Saturday."

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