

It was already a little past the customary luncheon hour at the Carlton, and the restaurant was well filled. The orchestra had played their first selection, and the stream of incoming guests had begun to slacken. A young lady who had been sitting in the palm court for at least half an hour rose to her feet, and, glancing casually at her watch, made her way into the hotel. She entered the office and addressed the chief reception clerk.

"Can you tell me," she asked, "if Mr. Hamilton Fynes is staying here? He should have arrived by the Lusitania last night or early this morning."It is not the business of a hotel reception clerk to appear surprised at anything. Nevertheless the man looked at her, for a moment, with a curious expression in his eyes.

"Mr. Hamilton Fynes!" he repeated. "Did you say that you were expecting him by the Lusitania, madam?""Yes!" the young lady answered. "He asked me to lunch with him here today. Can you tell me whether he has arrived yet? If he is in his room, I should be glad if you would send up to him."There were several people in the office who were in a position to overhear their conversation. With a word of apology, the man came round from his place behind the mahogany counter. He stood by the side of the young lady, and he seemed to be suffering from some embarrassment.

"Will you pardon my asking, madam, if you have seen the newspapers this morning?" he inquired.

Without a doubt, her first thought was that the question savored of impertinence. She looked at him with slightly upraised eyebrows. She was slim, of medium complexion, with dark brown hair parted in the middle and waving a little about her temples.

She was irreproachably dressed, from the tips of her patent shoes to the black feathers in her Paris hat.

"The newspapers!" she repeated. "Why, no, I don't think that Ihave seen them this morning. What have they to do with Mr.

Hamilton Fynes?"

The clerk pointed to the open door of a small private office.

"If you will step this way for one moment, madam," he begged.

She tapped the floor with her foot and looked at him curiously.

Certainly the people around seemed to be taking some interest in their conversation.

"Why should I?" she asked. "Cannot you answer my question here?""If madam will be so good," he persisted.

She shrugged her shoulders and followed him. Something in the man's earnest tone and almost pleading look convinced her, at least, of his good intentions. Besides, the interest which her question had undoubtedly aroused amongst the bystanders was, to say the least of it, embarrassing. He pulled the door to after them.

"Madam," he said, "there was a Mr. Hamilton Fynes who came over by the Lusitania, and who had certainly engaged rooms in this hotel, but he unfortunately, it seems, met with an accident on his way from Liverpool."Her manner changed at once. She began to understand what it all meant. Her lips parted, her eyes were wide open.

"An accident?" she faltered.

He gently rolled a chair up to her. She sank obediently into it.

"Madam," he said, "it was a very bad accident indeed. I trust that Mr. Hamilton Fynes was not a very intimate friend or a relative of yours. It would perhaps be better for you to read the account for yourself."He placed a newspaper in her hands. She read the first few lines and suddenly turned upon him. She was white to the lips now, and there was real terror in her tone. Yet if he had been in a position to have analyzed the emotion she displayed, he might have remarked that there was none of the surprise, the blank, unbelieving amazement which might have been expected from one hearing for the first time of such a calamity.

"Murdered!" she exclaimed. "Is this true?"

"It appears to be perfectly true, madam, I regret to say," the clerk answered. "Even the earlier editions were able to supply the man's name, and I am afraid that there is no doubt about his identity. The captain of the Lusitania confirmed it, and many of the passengers who saw him leave the ship last night have been interviewed.""Murdered!" she repeated to herself with trembling lips. "It seems such a horrible death! Have they any idea who did it?" she asked. "Has any one been arrested?""At present, no, madam," the clerk answered. "The affair, as you will see if you read further, is an exceedingly mysterious one."She rocked a little in her chair, but she showed no signs of fainting. She picked up the paper and found the place once more.

There were two columns filled with particulars of the tragedy.

"Where can I be alone and read this?" she asked.

  • Bardelys the Magnificent

    Bardelys the Magnificent

    Speak of the Devil," whispered La Fosse in my ear, and, moved by the words and by the significance of his glance, I turned in my chair.
  • 鬼妻大人


  • 楚曲十种临潼斗宝


  • 大道千万


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  • 废材逆袭:王爷太腹黑


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  • 你的职业我的经


    这是一个考量智商与情商的时代。人生大舞台每天都在上演不同的节目,从老板、上司到中层管理者,再到普通员工,有的尽职尽责,而有的却是作秀、表演,令你真假难辨。惟有跳出圈子,俯视舞台,方能参悟其中的玄机。 你在本书一个个发生在你我身边的故事中,一定能找到你的影子,从而认识自己,看清他人,掌控全局,驾驭命运,在职场中立于不败之地!打开这本书,你将收获意想不到的惊喜!
  • 用一只纸鹤代替我守护你


  • 虚空天启

