

Off we started in pursuit, down the rugged side of the hill we were descending, and up the opposite hill, upon the elephants' tracks, as hard as we could run.Just as we reached the top of the hill, the elephants were entering a small jungle on the other side.My brother got a shot, and killed the last of the herd; in another moment they had disappeared.It had been a sharp burst up the steep hill, and we stopped to breathe, but we were almost immediately in pursuit again, as we saw the herd emerge from the jungle at the base of the hill, and plough their way through a vast field of high lemon grass.

Upon arriving on their tracks, they had fairly distanced us.The grass, which was as thick as a hedge, was trodden into lanes by the elephants, and upon either side it stood like a wall ten or twelve feet high.Upon these tracks we ran along for some time, until it became dusk.We halted, and were consulting as to the prudence of continuing the chase at this late hour, when we suddenly heard the cracking of the branches in a small jungle in a hollow close to our left, and upon taking a position upon some rising ground, we distinctly saw several elephants standing in the high grass about a hundred paces before us, close to the edge of the jungle in which the remaining portion of the herd was concealed.Two of the elephants were looking at us, and as there was no time to lose, we walked straight up to them.They stood quietly watching us till we were within twenty yards, when they came a few paces forward, one immediately fall ing dead to my shot, while the other was turned by a shot from my brother; the rest retreated to the jungle over the most difficult ground for both man and beast.Immense rocks lay scattered in heaps over the surface, forming chasms by the intervening crevices of five and six feet in depth; from these crevices the long lemon grass grew in dense tufts, completely hiding the numerous pitfalls, and making the retreat of the elephants and our pursuit equally difficult.I was close to the tail of a large elephant, who was picking his way carefully over the treacherous surface, and I was waiting for an opportunity for a shot should he turn his head, when I suddenly pitched head first into one of these rocky holes.Here I scrambled for some seconds before Icould extricate myself, as I was carrying my heavy four-ounce rifle; and at length, upon recovering my footing, I found that all the elephants had gained the jungle, except the one that I had been following.He was about twenty yards from me, and was just entering the jungle, but I got a splendid shot at him behind the ear and rolled him over.

It was very nearly dark, and we could not of course follow the herd any farther; we therefore reloaded, and turned towards the direction of the cave; this was plainly shown by a distant blaze of light from the night-fires, which were already lit.We were walking slowly along parallel to the jungle, into which the elephants had retreated, when my man Wallace, who is a capital gun-bearer, halloed out, `Here comes an elephant!' and in the dim twilight I could see an elephant bowling at a great pace towards us, but close to the jungle.He was forty yards from me, but my brother fired at him and without effect.I took a quick shot with a double-barrelled rifle, and he dropped immediately.Hearing him roar as he lay in the high lemon grass by the edge of the jungle, I ran down the gentle slope to the spot, followed by my trusty gun-bearer Wallace, as I knew the elephant was only stunned and would soon recover.

Upon arriving within a few feet of the spot, pushing my way with difficulty through the tangled lemon grass, I could not see where he lay, as daylight had now vanished.I was vainly looking about, when Isuddenly heard a rush in the grass close to me, and I saw the head and cocked ears of the elephant within six feet, as he came at me.I had just time to fire my remaining barrel, and down he dropped to the shot!

I jumped back a few paces to assure myself of the result, as the smoke hanging in the high grass, added to the darkness, completely blinded me.

Wallace pushed the spare rifle into my hand, and to my astonishment Isaw the head and cocked ears again coming at me! It was so dark that Icould not take an aim, but I floored him once more by a front shot, and again I jumped back through the tangled grass, just in time to avoid him, as he, for the third time, recovered himself and charged.He was not five paces from me; I took a steady shot at him with my last barrel, and I immediately bolted as hard as I could run.This shot once more floored him, but he must have borne a charmed life, as he again recovered his legs, and to my great satisfaction he turned into the jungle and retreated.This all happened in a few seconds; had it been daylight I could of course have killed him, but as it happened I could not even dis tinguish the sights at the end of my rifle.In a few minutes afterwards, it became pitch dark, and we could only steer for the cave by the light of the fire, which was nearly two miles distant.

The next day, we found a herd of eight elephants in very favourable ground, and succeeded in killing seven; but this was the last herd in the Park, and after a few days spent in beating up the country without success, I returned to Newera Ellia, the bag being twenty-two elephants during a trip of three weeks, in addition to deer, hogs, buffalo, and small game, which had afforded excellent sport.

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    你身边总有让你佩服的姑娘,美国的,法国的,意大利的,西班牙的,中国的,瑞士的,墨西哥的……本书汇集不同国家优秀姑娘们的故事,有华盛顿退休女高官,有夏威夷度假的party girl,有美国小镇的单身妈妈,有瑞士雪山滑雪姑娘,有在纽约的北京妞,有所谓的bitches……很多很多有意思的有范儿者。她们时尚、独立、阳光、自信、有主见,每个人都有每个人的精神,每到一个地方,都会散发独特的光。你或许不急着去读它,但你一定得读它,这本书能够给你打开更多窗口,带你去看世界、去找梦想、去认识更多有意思的人。
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