

In the early morning we stole out of the romantic strait, and by breakfast-time we were over St.George's Bay and round his cape, and making for the harbor of Pictou.During the forenoon something in the nature of an excursion developed itself on the steamboat, but it had so few of the bustling features of an American excursion that Ithought it might be a pilgrimage.Yet it doubtless was a highly developed provincial lark.For a certain portion of the passengers had the unmistakable excursion air: the half-jocular manner towards each other, the local facetiousness which is so offensive to uninterested fellow-travelers, that male obsequiousness about ladies'

shawls and reticules, the clumsy pretense of gallantry with each other's wives, the anxiety about the company luggage and the company health.It became painfully evident presently that it was an excursion, for we heard singing of that concerted and determined kind that depresses the spirits of all except those who join in it.The excursion had assembled on the lee guards out of the wind, and was enjoying itself in an abandon of serious musical enthusiasm.We feared at first that there might be some levity in this performance, and that the unrestrained spirit of the excursion was working itself off in social and convivial songs.But it was not so.The singers were provided with hymn-and-tune books, and what they sang they rendered in long meter and with a most doleful earnestness.It is agreeable to the traveler to see that the provincials disport themselves within bounds, and that an hilarious spree here does not differ much in its exercises from a prayer-meeting elsewhere.But the excursion enjoyed its staid dissipation amazingly.

It is pleasant to sail into the long and broad harbor of Pictou on a sunny day.On the left is the Halifax railway terminus, and three rivers flow into the harbor from the south.On the right the town of Pictou, with its four thousand inhabitants, lies upon the side of the ridge that runs out towards the Sound.The most conspicuous building in it as we approach is the Roman Catholic church; advanced to the edge of the town and occupying the highest ground, it appears large, and its gilt cross is a beacon miles away.Its builders understood the value of a striking situation, a dominant position; it is a part of the universal policy of this church to secure the commanding places for its houses of worship.We may have had no prejudices in favor of the Papal temporality when we landed at Pictou, but this church was the only one which impressed us, and the only one we took the trouble to visit.We had ample time, for the steamboat after its arduous trip needed rest, and remained some hours in the harbor.

Pictou is said to be a thriving place, and its streets have a cindery appearance, betokening the nearness of coal mines and the presence of furnaces.But the town has rather a cheap and rusty look.Its streets rise one above another on the hillside, and, except a few comfortable cottages, we saw no evidences of wealth in the dwellings.

The church, when we reached it, was a commonplace brick structure, with a raw, unfinished interior, and weedy and untidy surroundings, so that our expectation of sitting on the inviting hill and enjoying the view was not realized; and we were obliged to descend to the hot wharf and wait for the ferry-boat to take us to the steamboat which lay at the railway terminus opposite.It is the most unfair thing in the world for the traveler, without an object or any interest in the development of the country, on a sleepy day in August, to express any opinion whatever about such a town as Pictou.But we may say of it, without offence, that it occupies a charming situation, and may have an interesting future; and that a person on a short acquaintance can leave it without regret.

By stopping here we had the misfortune to lose our excursion, a loss that was soothed by no know ledge of its destination or hope of seeing it again, and a loss without a hope is nearly always painful.

Going out of the harbor we encounter Pictou Island and Light, and presently see the low coast of Prince Edward Island,--a coast indented and agreeable to those idly sailing along it, in weather that seemed let down out of heaven and over a sea that sparkled but still slept in a summer quiet.When fate puts a man in such a position and relieves him of all responsibility, with a book and a good comrade, and liberty to make sarcastic remarks upon his fellow-travelers, or to doze, or to look over the tranquil sea, he may be pronounced happy.And I believe that my companion, except in the matter of the comrade, was happy.But I could not resist a worrying anxiety about the future of the British Provinces, which not even the remembrance of their hostility to us during our mortal strife with the Rebellion could render agreeable.For I could not but feel that the ostentatious and unconcealable prosperity of "the States" over-shadows this part of the continent.And it was for once in vain that I said, "Have we not a common land and a common literature, and no copyright, and a common pride in Shakespeare and Hannah More and Colonel Newcome and Pepys's Diary?" I never knew this sort of consolation to fail before; it does not seem to answer in the Provinces as well as it does in England.

  • 盛唐悲歌


  • 鬼剑鸣人


  • 白色眷恋


  • 道士归来在深山


  • 烟云十三州


  • 左手疼爱右手管教:好父母要懂得在爱中管教


    如今的大多数父母都对自己的孩子疼爱有加,而疏于管教。疼爱孩子是没有错的,而且对于孩子的健康成长来说是必不可少的,但是疼爱容易转变为溺爱,成为一种对孩子的伤害。而管教孩子也是不可缺少的,但过分管教孩子却容易使孩子形成叛逆孤僻的心理。这两种情况应该怎样解决呢?那就需要父母“左手疼爱,右手管教”。《左手疼爱 右手管教:好父母要懂得在爱中管教》一书正是从疼爱孩子与管教孩子这两个方面详细叙述了父母应该如何在对孩子疼爱的过程中管教好孩子,从而使父母能够有针对性地对孩子进行疼爱与管教。如此一来,就能够使孩子健康、快乐、卓越地成长。《左手疼爱 右手管教:好父母要懂得在爱中管教》由李建芳编写。
  • 贼心不改:惹上顽劣太子爷


  • 一生只为你倾心


  • 大笑江山


  • 古镜迷魂

