

Among creatures that lay eggs externally birds produce their egg perfect, fish imperfect, but the eggs of the latter complete their growth outside as has been said before.The reason is that the fish kind is very fertile; now it is impossible for many eggs to reach completion within the mother and therefore they lay them outside.They are quickly discharged, for the uterus of externally oviparous fishes is near the generative passage.While the eggs of birds are two-coloured, those of all fish are one-coloured.The cause of the double colour may be seen from considering the power of each of the two parts, the white and the yolk.For the matter of the egg is secreted from the blood [No bloodless animal lays eggs,] and that the blood is the material of the body has been often said already.The one part, then, of the egg is nearer the form of the animal coming into being, that is the hot part; the more earthy part gives the substance of the body and is further removed.Hence in all two-coloured eggs the animal receives the first principle of generation from the white (for the vital principle is in that which is hot), but the nutriment from the yolk.Now in animals of a hotter nature the part from which the first principle arises is separated off from the part from which comes the nutriment, the one being white and the other yellow, and the white and pure is always more than the yellow and earthy; but in the moister and less hot the yolk is more in quantity and more fluid.This is what we find in lake birds, for they are of a moister nature and are colder than the land birds, so that the so-called 'lecithus' or yolk in the eggs of such birds is large and less yellow because the white is less separated off from it.But when we come to the ovipara which are both of a cold nature and also moister (such is the fish kind) we find the white not separated at all because of the small size of the eggs and the quantity of the cold and earthy matter; therefore all fish eggs are of one colour, and white compared with yellow, yellow compared with white.Even the wind-eggs of birds have this distinction of colour, for they contain that out of which will come each of the two parts, alike that whence arises the principle of life and that whence comes the nutriment; only both these are imperfect and need the influence of the male in addition; for wind-eggs become fertile if impregnated by the male within a certain period.The difference in colour, however, is not due to any difference of sex, as if the white came from the male, the yolk from the female; both on the contrary come from the female, but the one is cold, the other hot.

In all cases then where the hot part is considerable it is separated off, but where it is little it cannot be so; hence the eggs of such animals, as has been said, are of one colour.The semen of the male only puts them into form; and therefore at first the egg in birds appears white and small, but as it advances it is all yellow as more of the sanguineous material is continually mixed with it; finally as the hot part is separated the white takes up a position all round it and equally distributed on all sides, as when a liquid boils; for the white is naturally liquid and contains in itself the vital heat;therefore it is separated off all round, but the yellow and earthy part is inside.And if we enclose many eggs together in a bladder or something of the kind and boil them over a fire so as not to make the movement of the heat quicker than the separation of the white and yolk in the eggs, then the same process takes place in the whole mass of the eggs as in a single egg, all the yellow part coming into the middle and the white surrounding it.

We have thus stated why some eggs are of one colour and others of two.

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    ━魅惑天下━ 天杀的,她真的像个怪胎!她居然可以看到一些奇怪的生物!譬如一些冤魂厉鬼,一些死猫死狗的灵魂,这次居然看到了蛇精?错,正确来说是跟人一模一样的蛇而已,若她不仔细看的话根本看不到蛇影子的!可是刚刚她看到的的确是真真切切的蛇!四条蛇居然坐在宝马轿车里?还有一条蛇在开车?“啊,妈的,这次居然会看到蛇精!怎么搞的啊,老天爷你太会跟我开玩笑了吧?”跟老妈说了不知道她会不会以为她的神经病又加重了,每次跟家里的人或者身边的同学朋友说她可以看到这些东西的时候,没有一个人相信,都认为她是疯子!呵,不知道老天和她开的什么玩笑!有着比其他蛇还敏锐的白奥维坐在车里,突然听到一个女孩子居然骂了一句脏话,更让他有兴趣的是下面的那句,蛇精?她说她看到了蛇精?是他们吗?哈哈,有趣,居然有人能看穿他们是蛇族?他们蛇族早已经进化,现在连一般比较厉害的结界师都看不出他们是蛇的,居然就这么轻易的被一个看起来还像是一个刚成年的女孩子看出来了?有趣!“杰,把车倒回去!”. ........每个人对蛇的印象大概都是冷血无情可怕的吧?冰的这部小说将会告诉你,其实蛇并不冷血,只是比较矜持,没有遇到让他改变的人之前他们都将自己保护的很好,可是真的遇到那个可以改变他的人的时候,蛇也一样可以热情,可以燃烧,可以有温度,甚至让自己化为灰烬也在所不惜!