

"I've canoed through Canada," said Ives, "down many rapids and over many falls.But I didn't seem to get what I wanted out of it because I knew there were only two possible outcomes--I would either go to the bottom or arrive at the sea level.I've played all games at cards; but the mathematicians have spoiled that sport by computing the percentages.I've made acquaintances on trains, I've answered advertisements, I've rung strange door-bells, I've taken every chance that presented itself; but there has always been the conventional ending--the logical conclusion to the premise.""I know," repeated Forster."I've felt it all.But I've had few chances to take my chance at chances.Is there any life so devoid of impossibilities as life in this city? There seems to be a myriad of opportunities for testing the undeterminable; but not one in a thousand fails to land you where you expected it to stop.I wish the subways and street cars disappointed one as seldom.""The sun has risen," said Ives, "on the Arabian nights.There are no more caliphs.The fisherman's vase is turned to a vacuum bottle, warranted to keep any genie boiling or frozen for forty-eight hours.

Life moves by rote.Science has killed adventure.There are no more opportunities such as Columbus and the man who ate the first oyster had.The only certain thing is that there is nothing uncertain.""Well," said Forster, "my experience has been the limited one of a city man.I haven't seen the world as you have; but it seems that we view it with the same opinion.But, I tell you I am grateful for even this little venture of ours into the borders of the haphazard.

There may be at least one breathless moment when the bill for the dinner is presented.Perhaps, after all, the pilgrims who traveled without scrip or purse found a keener taste to life than did the knights of the Round Table who rode abroad with a retinue and King Arthur's certified checks in the lining of their helmets.And now, if you've finished your coffee, suppose we match one of your insufficient coins for the impending blow of Fate.What have Iup?"

"Heads," called Ives.

"Heads it is," said Forster, lifting his hand."I lose.We forgot to agree upon a plan for the winner to escape.I suggest that when the waiter comes you make a remark about telephoning to a friend.

I will hold the fort and the dinner check long enough for you to get your hat and be off.I thank you for an evening out of the ordinary, Mr.Ives, and wish we might have others.""If my memory is not at fault," said Ives, laughing, "the nearest police station is in MacDougal Street.I have enjoyed the dinner, too, let me assure you."Forster crooked his finger for the waiter.Victor, with a locomotive effort that seemed to owe more to pneumatics than to pedestrianism, glided to the table and laid the card, face downward, by the loser's cup.Forster took it up and added the figures with deliberate care.

Ives leaned back comfortably in his chair.

"Escuse me," said Forster; "but I though you were going to ring Grimes about that theatre party for Thursday night.Had you forgotten about it?""Oh," said Ives, settling himself more comfortably, "I can do that later on.Get me a glass of water, waiter.""Want to be in at the death, do you?" asked Forster.

"I hope you don't object," said Ives, pleadingly."Never in my life have I seen a gentleman arrested in a public restaurant for swindling it out of a dinner.""All right," said Forster, calmly."You are entitled to see a Christian die in the arena as your _pousse-caf'e_."Victor came with the glass of water and remained, with the disengaged air of an inexorable collector.

Forster hesitated for fifteen seconds, and then took a pencil from his pocket and scribbled his name on the dinner check.The waiter bowed and took it away.

"The fact is," said Forster, with a little embarrassed laugh, "I doubt whether I'm what they call a 'game sport,' which means the same as a 'soldier of Fortune.' I'll have to make a confession.I've been dining at this hotel two or three times a week for more than a year.

I always sign my checks." And then, with a note of appreciation in his voice: "It was first-rate of you to stay to see me through with it when you knew I had no money, and that you might be scooped in, too.""I guess I'll confess, too," said Ives, with a grin."I own the hotel.

I don't run it, of course, but I always keep a suite on the third floor for my use when I happen to stray into town."He called a waiter and said: "I s Mr.Gilmore still behind the desk?

All right.Tell him that Mr.Ives is here, and ask him to have my rooms made ready and aired.""Another venture cut short by the inevitable," said Forster."Is there a conundrum without an answer in the next number? But let's hold to our subject just for a minute or two, if you will.It isn't often that I meet a man who understands the flaws I pick in existence.

I am engaged to be married a month from to-day.""I reserve comment," said Ives.

"Right; I am going to add to the assertion.I am devotedly fond of the lady; but I can't decide whether to show up at the church or make a sneak for Alaska.It's the same idea, you know, that we were discussing--it does for a fellow as far as possibilities are concerned.Everybody knows the routine--you get a kiss flavored with Ceylon tea after breakfast; you go to the office; you come back home and dress for dinner--theatre twice a week--bills--moping around most evenings trying to make conversation--a little quarrel occasionally--maybe sometimes a big one, and a separation--or else a settling down into a middle-aged contentment, which is worst of all.""I know," said Ives, nodding wisely.

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    《校园侦探三人组》主要内容有:够狠,才这么点小事就开“批斗会”。难道我会这么轻易就挨“枪子”吗?我的逻辑思维总有点用吧?“开会是为了教训我,教训我是为了‘杀鸡吓猴’(即杀我给同学看),给同学看足为了培养他们道德,培养他们道德是为了思政考试得分,考试得分是为了激励他们,激励他们足为了气死我,气死我是为了让我性质更恶劣,性质更恶劣是为了再次批判我……”我那个巧夺天丁的大脑呀,竟然给了我这么一个连环性的结果预测,说得校长同志感觉此事错综复杂后果严重,一时间竟然呆住了。 《校园侦探三人组》一起进入神秘地带经历了一次次冒险,破解了一个个谜案……扑朔迷离、险象环生,于是有了这本情节曲折、悬念迭出的科幻小说。
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