
第36章 YEAR 1777(1)

This may well be called the year of the heavy heart, for we had sad tidings of the lads that went away as soldiers to America.First, there was a boding in the minds of all their friends that they were never to see them more; and their sadness, like a mist spreading from the waters and covering the fields, darkened the spirit of the neighbours.Secondly, a sound was bruited about that the king's forces would have a hot and a sore struggle before the rebels were put down, if they were ever put down.Then came the cruel truth of all that the poor lads' friends had feared.But it is fit and proper that I should relate at length, under their several heads, the sorrows and afflictions as they came to pass.

One evening, as I was taking my walk alone, meditating my discourse for the next Sabbath--it was shortly after Candlemas--it was a fine clear frosty evening, just as the sun was setting.Taking my walk alone, and thinking of the dreadfulness of Almighty power, and how that, if it was not tempered and restrained by infinite goodness, and wisdom, and mercy, the miserable sinner, man, and all things that live, would be in a woeful state, I drew near the beild where old Widow Mirkland lived by herself, who was grand-mother to Jock Hempy, the ramplor lad, that was the second who took on for a soldier.I did mind of this at the time; but, passing the house, Iheard the croon, as it were, of a laden soul busy with the Lord, and, not to disturb the holy workings of grace, I paused and listened.It was old Mizy Mirkland herself, sitting at the gable of the house, looking at the sun setting in all his glory behind the Arran hills; but she was not praying--only moaning to herself--an oozing out, as it might be called, of the spirit from her heart, then grievously oppressed with sorrow, and heavy bodements of grey hairs and poverty.--"Yonder it slips awa'," she was saying, "and my poor bairn, that's o'er the seas in America, is maybe looking on its bright face, thinking of his hame, and aiblins of me, that did my best to breed him up in the fear of the Lord; but I couldna warsle wi' what was ordained.Ay, Jock! as ye look at the sun gaun down, as many a time, when ye were a wee innocent laddie at my knee here, I hae bade ye look at him as a type of your Maker, ye will hae a sore heart; for ye hae left me in my need, when ye should hae been near at hand to help me, for the hard labour and industry with which I brought you up.But it's the Lord's will.Blessed be the name of the Lord, that makes us to thole the tribulations of this world, and will reward us, through the mediation of Jesus, hereafter." She wept bitterly as she said this, for her heart was tried, but the blessing of a religious contentment was shed upon her; and I stepped up to her, and asked about her concerns, for, saving as a parishioner, and a decent old woman, I knew little of her.Brief was her story; but it was one of misfortune.--"But I will not complain," she said, "of the measure that has been meted unto me.Iwas left myself an orphan; when I grew up, and was married to my gude-man, I had known but scant and want.Our days of felicity were few; and he was ta'en awa' from me shortly after my Mary was born.

A wailing baby, and a widow's heart, was a' he left me.I nursed her with my salt tears, and bred her in straits; but the favour of God was with us, and she grew up to womanhood as lovely as the rose, and as blameless as the lily.In her time she was married to a farming lad.There never was a brawer pair in the kirk, than on that day when they gaed there first as man and wife.My heart was proud, and it pleased the Lord to chastise my pride--to nip my happiness, even in the bud.The very next day he got his arm crushed.It never got well again; and he fell into a decay, and died in the winter, leaving my Mary far on in the road to be a mother.

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