

It was on the 17th of March that the lift acted for the first time, and gave universal satisfaction.Henceforward all the loads, wood, coal, provisions, and even the settlers themselves, were hoisted by this simple system, which replaced the primitive ladder, and, as may be supposed, no one thought of regretting the change.Top particularly was enchanted with this improvement, for he had not, and never could have possessed Master Jup's skill in climbing ladders, and often it was on Neb's back, or even on that of the orang that he had been obliged to make the ascent to Granite House.About this time, too, Cyrus Harding attempted to manufacture glass, and he at first put the old pottery-kiln to this new use.There were some difficulties to be encountered; but, after several fruitless attempts, he succeeded in setting up a glass manufactory, which Gideon Spilett and Herbert, his usual assistants, did not leave for several days.As to the substances used in the composition of glass, they are simply sand, chalk, and soda, either carbonate or sulphate.Now the beach supplied sand, lime supplied chalk, sea-weeds supplied soda, pyrites supplied sulphuric acid, and the ground supplied coal to heat the kiln to the wished-for temperature.Cyrus Harding thus soon had everything ready for setting to work.

The tool, the manufacture of which presented the most difficulty, was the pipe of the glass-maker, an iron tube, five or six feet long, which collects on one end the material in a state of fusion.But by means of a long, thin piece of iron rolled up like the barrel of a gun, Pencroft succeeded in making a tube soon ready for use.

On the 28th of March the tube was heated.A hundred parts of sand, thirty-five of chalk, forty of sulphate of soda, mixed with two or three parts of powdered coal, composed the substance, which was placed in crucibles.When the high temperature of the oven had reduced it to a liquid, or rather a pasty state, Cyrus Harding collected with the tube a quantity of the paste: he turned it about on a metal plate, previously arranged, so as to give it a form suitable for blowing, then he passed the tube to Herbert, telling him to blow at the other extremity.

And Herbert, swelling out his cheeks, blew so much and so well into the tube-taking care to twirl it round at the same time--that his breath dilated the glassy mass.Other quantities of the substance in a state of fusion were added to the first, and in a short time the result was a bubble which measured a foot in diameter.Harding then took the tube out of Herbert's hands, and, giving it a pendulous motion, he ended by lengthening the malleable bubble so as to give it a cylindroconic shape.

The blowing operation had given a cylinder of glass terminated by two hemispheric caps, which were easily detached by means of a sharp iron dipped in cold water; then, by the same proceeding, this cylinder was cut lengthways, and after having been rendered malleable by a second heating, it was extended on a plate and spread out with a wooden roller.

The first pane was thus manufactured, and they had only to perform this operation fifty times to have fifty panes.The windows at Granite House were soon furnished with panes; not very white, perhaps, but still sufficiently transparent.

As to bottles and tumblers, that was only play.They were satisfied with them, besides, just as they came from the end of the tube.Pencroft had asked to be allowed to "blow" in his turn, and it was great fun for him;but he blew so hard that his productions took the most ridiculous shapes, which he admired immensely.

Cyrus Harding and Herbert, while hunting one day, had entered the forest of the Far West, on the left bank of the Mercy, and, as usual, the lad was asking a thousand questions of the engineer, who answered them heartily.

Now, as Harding was not a sportsman, and as, on the other side, Herbert was talking chemistry and natural philosophy, numbers of kangaroos, capybaras, and agouties came within range, which, however, escaped the lad's gun; the consequence was that the day was already advanced, and the two hunters were in danger of having made a useless excursion, when Herbert, stopping, and uttering a cry of joy, exclaimed,--"Oh, Captain Harding, do you see that tree?" and he pointed to a shrub, rather than a tree, for it was composed of a single stem, covered with a scaly bark, which bore leaves streaked with little parallel veins.

"And what is this tree which resembles a little palm?" asked Harding.

"It is a 'cycas revoluta,' of which I have a picture in our dictionary of Natural History!" said Herbert.

"But I can't see any fruit on this shrub!" observed his companion.

"No, captain," replied Herbert; "but its stem contains a flour with which nature has provided us all ready ground.""It is, then, the bread-tree?"

"Yes, the bread-tree."

  • 搜神后记


  • The Lily of the Valley

    The Lily of the Valley

  • 子夏易传


  • Of The Nature of Things

    Of The Nature of Things

  • 辽纪


  • 剑吞天下


  • 最强觉醒之战神崛起


  • 三世爱恋,凤染三界


  • 千年情缘:乱世红颜


  • 中蛊门


  • 罪爱:姜志强律师解密伦理疑案20例


    本书汇集了中央电视台社会与法频道品牌栏目《法律讲堂》中的经典伦理疑案,深入触及爱情、婚姻、家庭、亲族、社会等伦理各个层面的敏感问题,案情跌宕起伏,悬念丛生,人性纠葛缠绕,百感交集,而其中善与恶的转换、是与非的交错、情与法的困惑更是令人错愕,发人深省。 对于这些伦理疑案,知名律师将从专业视角出发,予以全面剖析,带领读者抽丝剥茧、探寻真相,旨在彰显知法、懂法、守法的必要性和重要性,并教会读者如何运用法律武器捍卫自己的合法权益。而其最为着重强调的是:爱,有限度;善,有边界;法律底线不可触碰。否则,只能是一场情有可原、法不可恕的“罪爱”。
  • 谢谢了六年级A班


  • 姐姐请你收了我


  • 我的平台生活


  • 九天神灭

