
第6章 A QUEER DOG(1)

PAPA BOBBSEY first looked for some of the circus men of whom he might inquire about the fat lady.There was much confusion, for a circus wreck is about as bad a kind as can happen, and for some time Mr.Bobbsey could find no one who could tell him what he wanted to know.

Meanwhile Mrs.Bobbsey kept the four children and Dinah with her, surrounding their little pile of baggage off to one side of The tracks.

Some of the big torches were still burning, and the full moon was coming up, so that there was plenty of light, even if it was night.

"Oh, but if we could only find Snoop!" cried Freddie."Here, Snoop! Snoop!" he called.

"I had much rather find the fat lady, and get back your lovely silver cup," said Mrs.Bobbsey."I hope she hasn't taken it away with her.""She had it in her hand when the train, stopped with such a jerk," explained Flossie."Oh, but mamma, don't you want us to find Snoop - dear Snoop?""Of course I do.But I want that silver cup very much, too.I hope your father finds it.""But there never could be another Snoop," cried Flossie."Could there, Freddie? And we could get another silver cup.""Don't be silly," advised Bert, rather shortly.

"Oh, don't talk that way to them," said Nan."They do love that cat so.Never mind, Flossie and Freddie.I'm sure we'll find him soon.Here comes papa."Mr.Bobbsey came back, looking somewhat worried."Did you find her?" asked Mrs.Bobbsey anxiously.

"No," he replied, with a shake of his head."She was the circus fat lady all right.It seems she missed the showtrain, and came on in ours.And, when we stopped she got out, and went up ahead.Part of the circus train, carrying the performers, was not damaged and that has gone on.The fat lady is with that, so one of the men said.""And, very likely, she has carried off our silver cup," exclaimed Mrs.Bobbsey."Oh dear! Can you find her later, Richard?""I think so.But it will take some time.The circus is going to Danville - that's a hundred miles from here.But I will write to the managers there, and ask them to get our cup from the fat lady.""But where is Snoop?" asked Freddie, with much anxiety.

"I don't know, my dear," answered Mr.Bobbsey."I asked the circus men if they had seen him, but they were too busy to remember.He may be running around some where.But we can't wait any longer.We must get home.I'll speak to one of the switchmen, who stay around here, and if they see Snoop I'll have them keep him for us.We'll come back tomorrow and inquire.""But we want Snoop now!" exclaimed Freddie, fretfully.

"I'm afraid we can't get him," said Mrs.Bobbsey, gently."Come, children, let's go home now, and leave it to papa.Oh, to think of your lovely silver cup being gone!""Snoop is worse," said Flossie, almost crying.

"I-I'm sorry I let the fat lady take the cup," spoke Freddie.

"Oh, you meant all right, my dear," said his mamma, "and it was very kind of you.But we really ought to start.We may miss a trolley.Come, Dinah, can you carry all you have?""'Deed an' I can, Mrs.Bobbsey.But I suah am sorry 'bout dat ar' Snoop.""Oh, it wasn't your fault, Dinah," said Nan quickly."He is getting to be such a big cat that he can easily push the slats off his box, now.We must make it stronger next time."Flossie and Freddie wondered if there would be a "next time," for they feared Snoop was gone forever.They did not worry so much about the silver cup, valuable as it was.

  • EXO梦境之游


  • 二分之一青春


  • 因为遇见了你


  • 刺客信条同人:我们之间


  • 王俊凯之坎坷中的我们


  • 武凌万界


  • 混沌灵根


  • 修仙门派掌门人


  • 福妻驾到


  • 上清大洞三景玉清隐书诀箓

