

"And we're going to have candy!" cried Freddie, when the arrangements were talked over.

"And ice cream" - added Flossie - "a whole freezer full; aren't we,mamma?""Well, I guess a small freezer full won't be any too much," said Mrs.Bobbsey, smiling."But I hope none of you eat enough to make yourselves ill.""We won't," promised Freddie and Flossie.

There were busy times in the home of the twins the next few days, for though Nan and Bert's birthdays were not to be observed, still they were to have their part in the jolly celebration.

Invitations were sent out, on little sheets of note paper, adorned with flowers, and in cute little envelopes.Flossie and Freddie took them to the postoffice themselves.

"My! what a lot of mail!" exclaimed the clerk at the stamp window, as he saw the children dropping the invitations into the slot."Uncle Sam will have to get some extra men to carry that around, I guess.What's it all about?""We're going to have a party," said Flossie, proudly.Just then Danny Rugg came into the post-office.

"A party; eh?" he sneered."I'm coming to it, I am; and I'm going to have two plates of ice cream.""You are not!" cried Freddie."My mamma wouldn't let a boy like you come to our party.""'Specially not after what you did - telling us to play in the water," added Freddie."You can't come!""Yes, I can," insisted Danny, just to tease the children.

For a moment Flossie and Freddie almost believed him, he seemed so muchin earnest about it.

"You can't come you haven't any invitation," said Flossie, suddenly."I'll take one of those you put in the box," went on the mean boy."He won't dare - will he?" and Freddie appealed to the mail clerk.

"I should say not!" said the man at the stamp window."If he does Uncle Sam will be after him.""Well, I'm coming to that party all the same!" insisted Danny, with a grin on his freckled face.

Flossie and Freddie were so worried about him that they told their mother, but she assured them that Danny would not come to spoil their fun.

Finally the afternoon and evening of the party arrived, for the little folks were to come just before supper, play some games, eat, and then stay until about nine o'clock.

Flossie and Freddie had been dressed in their prettiest clothes, and Nan and Bert also attired for the affair.The ice cream had come from the store, all packed in ice and salt, and Dinah had set it out on the back stoop, where it would be cooler.

Dinah was very busy that day.She hurried about here and there, helping Mrs.Bobbsey.Sam, her husband, also had plenty to do.

"I 'clar t' gracious goodness!" Dinah exclaimed, "I suah will get thin ef dish yeah keeps up! I ain't set down a minute dis blessed day.My feet'll drop off soon I 'specs.""Will they, really, Dinah?" asked Freddie."And can we watch 'em fall?""Bress yo' hearts, honeys!" exclaimed the colored cook, "I didn't mean it jest dat way.But suffin's suah gwine t' happen - I feels it in mah bones!"And something was to happen, though not exactly what Dinah expected.

Finally all was in readiness for the guests.The good things to eat were in the kitchen, all but the ice cream, which, as I have said, was out on the back porch.Flossie and Freddie had gone to the front door nearly a dozen times to see if any of the guests were in sight.Snap, as a special favor, had been allowed to stay in the house that afternoon, for the twins were going to make him do tricks for their friends.

There came a ring at the door bell.

"Here they come!Here they come!" cried Flossie.

"Let me answer, too," cried Freddie, and they both hurried through the front hall to greet the first guest at their party.

  • 大师你躺好


  • 福妻驾到


  • 肥女要翻身【已完结】


  • 浮生熠梦


  • 朝圣路上之青春烈歌


  • 归尘偿欢


  • 黑鱼精的夜晚


  • 何必耿耿于怀


  • 柔石作品集(一)


  • 忘心忧

