
第54章 What Bobbie brought home(4)

Phyllis hesitated.Then she took the hand, still held out stupidly, that the shillings had been in.

"I forgive you," she said, "even if Peter doesn't.You're not in your proper senses, or you'd never have done that.I know want of sleep sends people mad.Mother told me.I hope your little boy will soon be better, and--""Come on, Phil," cried Peter, eagerly.

"I give you my sacred honour-word we'll never tell anyone.Kiss and be friends," said Phyllis, feeling how noble it was of her to try to make up a quarrel in which she was not to blame.

The signalman stooped and kissed her.

"I do believe I'm a bit off my head, Sissy," he said."Now run along home to Mother.I didn't mean to put you about--there."So Phil left the hot signal-box and followed Peter across the fields to the farm.

When the farm men, led by Peter and Phyllis and carrying a hurdle covered with horse-cloths, reached the manhole in the tunnel, Bobbie was fast asleep and so was Jim.Worn out with the pain, the Doctor said afterwards.

"Where does he live?" the bailiff from the farm asked, when Jim had been lifted on to the hurdle.

"In Northumberland," answered Bobbie.

"I'm at school at Maidbridge," said Jim."I suppose I've got to get back there, somehow.""Seems to me the Doctor ought to have a look in first," said the bailiff.

"Oh, bring him up to our house," said Bobbie."It's only a little way by the road.I'm sure Mother would say we ought to.""Will your Ma like you bringing home strangers with broken legs?""She took the poor Russian home herself," said Bobbie."I know she'd say we ought.""All right," said the bailiff, "you ought to know what your Ma 'ud like.I wouldn't take it upon me to fetch him up to our place without I asked the Missus first, and they call me the Master, too.""Are you sure your Mother won't mind?" whispered Jim.

"Certain," said Bobbie.

"Then we're to take him up to Three Chimneys?" said the bailiff.

"Of course," said Peter.

"Then my lad shall nip up to Doctor's on his bike, and tell him to come down there.Now, lads, lift him quiet and steady.One, two, three!"Thus it happened that Mother, writing away for dear life at a story about a Duchess, a designing villain, a secret passage, and a missing will, dropped her pen as her work-room door burst open, and turned to see Bobbie hatless and red with running.

"Oh, Mother," she cried, "do come down.We found a hound in a red jersey in the tunnel, and he's broken his leg and they're bringing him home.""They ought to take him to the vet," said Mother, with a worried frown; "I really CAN'T have a lame dog here.""He's not a dog, really--he's a boy," said Bobbie, between laughing and choking.

"Then he ought to be taken home to his mother.""His mother's dead," said Bobbie, "and his father's in Northumberland.Oh, Mother, you will be nice to him? I told him Iwas sure you'd want us to bring him home.You always want to help everybody."Mother smiled, but she sighed, too.It is nice that your children should believe you willing to open house and heart to any and every one who needs help.But it is rather embarrassing sometimes, too, when they act on their belief.

"Oh, well," said Mother, "we must make the best of it."When Jim was carried in, dreadfully white and with set lips whose red had faded to a horrid bluey violet colour, Mother said:--"I am glad you brought him here.Now, Jim, let's get you comfortable in bed before the Doctor comes!"And Jim, looking at her kind eyes, felt a little, warm, comforting flush of new courage.

"It'll hurt rather, won't it?" he said."I don't mean to be a coward.You won't think I'm a coward if I faint again, will you? Ireally and truly don't do it on purpose.And I do hate to give you all this trouble.""Don't you worry," said Mother; "it's you that have the trouble, you poor dear--not us."And she kissed him just as if he had been Peter."We love to have you here--don't we, Bobbie?""Yes," said Bobbie--and she saw by her Mother's face how right she had been to bring home the wounded hound in the red jersey.

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    《岭南一剑》是戊戟先生在众多的武侠传奇小说中,最新脱颖而出的一部武侠小说。  《岭南一剑》是岭南武林中的一个传奇故事。它的主人公是位带神秘色彩的女侠,以超绝的剑术,个人的机智,人间的正气,在江湖上仗义除恶,严惩为非作歹的一切凶徒。这样的一位女侠,却受到清廷大内侍高手的追捕,从而展开一连串的惊心动魄的场面,情节紧扣人心,人物栩栩如生,时而令人担心,时而令人拍手称快,时而捧腹大笑,故事、人物耐人寻味和深思,不愧为戊戟先生的又一佳作,值得一读
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