

Hjalmar's was the largest. At each castle stood little princes acting as sentinels. They presented arms, and had golden swords, and made it rain plums and tin soldiers, so that they must have been real princes.

Hjalmar continued to sail, sometimes through woods, sometimes as it were through large halls, and then by large cities. At last he came to the town where his nurse lived, who had carried him in her arms when he was a very little boy, and had always been kind to him. She nodded and beckoned to him, and then sang the little verses she had herself composed and set to him,-

"How oft my memory turns to thee,

My own Hjalmar, ever dear!

When I could watch thy infant glee,

Or kiss away a pearly tear.

'Twas in my arms thy lisping tongue

First spoke the half-remembered word,

While o'er thy tottering steps I hung,

My fond protection to afford.

Farewell! I pray the Heavenly Power

To keep thee till thy dying hour."

And all the birds sang the same tune, the flowers danced on their stems, and the old trees nodded as if Ole-Luk-Oie had been telling them stories as well.



How the rain did pour down! Hjalmar could hear it in his sleep;. and when Ole-Luk-Oie opened the window, the water flowed quite up to the window-sill. It had the appearance of a large lake outside, and a beautiful ship lay close to the house.

"Wilt thou sail with me to-night, little Hjalmar?" said

Ole-Luk-Oie; "then we shall see foreign countries, and thou shalt return here in the morning."

All in a moment, there stood Hjalmar, in his best clothes, on the deck of the noble ship; and immediately the weather became fine.

They sailed through the streets, round by the church, and on every side rolled the wide, great sea. They sailed till the land disappeared, and then they saw a flock of storks, who had left their own country, and were travelling to warmer climates. The storks flew one behind the other, and had already been a long, long time on the wing. One of them seemed so tired that his wings could scarcely carry him. He was the last of the row, and was soon left very far behind. At length he sunk lower and lower, with outstretched wings, flapping them in vain, till his feet touched the rigging of the ship, and he slided from the sails to the deck, and stood before them.

Then a sailor-boy caught him, and put him in the hen-house, with the fowls, the ducks, and the turkeys, while the poor stork stood quite bewildered amongst them.

"Just look at that fellow," said the chickens.

Then the turkey-cock puffed himself out as large as he could, and inquired who he was; and the ducks waddled backwards, crying,

"Quack, quack."

Then the stork told them all about warm Africa, of the pyramids, and of the ostrich, which, like a wild horse, runs across the desert. But the ducks did not understand what he said, and quacked amongst themselves, "We are all of the same opinion; namely, that he is stupid."

"Yes, to be sure, he is stupid," said the turkey-cock; and gobbled.

Then the stork remained quite silent, and thought of his home in


"Those are handsome thin legs of yours," said the turkey-cock.

"What do they cost a yard?"

"Quack, quack, quack," grinned the ducks; but, the stork pretended

not to hear.

"You may as well laugh," said the turkey; "for that remark was rather witty, or perhaps it was above you. Ah, ah, is he not clever?

He will be a great amusement to us while he remains here." And then he gobbled, and the ducks quacked, "Gobble, gobble; Quack, quack."

What a terrible uproar they made, while they were having such fun among themselves!

Then Hjalmar went to the hen-house; and, opening the door, called to the stork. Then he hopped out on the deck. He had rested himself now, and he looked happy, and seemed as if he nodded to

Hjalmar, as if to thank him. Then he spread his wings, and flew away to warmer countries, while the hens clucked, the ducks quacked, and the turkey-cock turned quite scarlet in the head.

"To-morrow you shall be made into soup," said Hjalmar to the fowls; and then he awoke, and found himself lying in his little bed.

It was a wonderful journey which Ole-Luk-Oie had made him take this night.



"What do you think I have got here?" said Ole-Luk-Oie, "Do not be frightened, and you shall see a little mouse." And then he held out his hand to him, in which lay a lovely little creature. "It has come to invite you to a wedding. Two little mice are going to enter into the marriage state tonight. They reside under the floor of your mother's store-room, and that must be a fine dwelling-place."

"But how can I get through the little mouse-hole in the floor?" asked Hjalmar.

"Leave me to manage that," said Ole-Luk-Oie. "I will soon make you small enough." And then he touched Hjalmar with his magic wand, whereupon he became less and less, until at last he was not longer than a little finger. "Now you can borrow the dress of the tin soldier. I think it will just fit you. It looks well to wear a uniform when you go into company."

"Yes, certainly," said Hjalmar; and in a moment he was dressed as neatly as the neatest of all tin soldiers.

"Will you be so good as to seat yourself in your mamma's thimble," said the little mouse, "that I may have the pleasure of drawing you to the wedding."

"Will you really take so much trouble, young lady?" said

Hjalmar. And so in this way he rode to the mouse's wedding.

First they went under the floor, and then passed through a long passage, which was scarcely high enough to allow the thimble to drive under, and the whole passage was lit up with the phosphorescent light of rotten wood.

"Does it not smell delicious?" asked the mouse, as she drew him along. "The wall and the floor have been smeared with bacon-rind; nothing can be nicer."

  • 众经撰杂譬喻


  • 锦香亭


  • 武林藏书录


  • 洪恩灵济真君灵签


  • 金台纪闻


  • 重生罗玄之暗晴


  • 历史典故(上)(青少年必读书系(小学卷)(中学卷))


  • 离骚草木疏


  • 仙侠奇幻醉骨劫


  • 醒时天欲晓


  • 诛仙灭世


  • 水医孤女:异界女海王


  • 鬼王独宠:高冷腹黑小邪妃


  • 我的蛇王子老公【完结】


    ━魅惑天下━ 天杀的,她真的像个怪胎!她居然可以看到一些奇怪的生物!譬如一些冤魂厉鬼,一些死猫死狗的灵魂,这次居然看到了蛇精?错,正确来说是跟人一模一样的蛇而已,若她不仔细看的话根本看不到蛇影子的!可是刚刚她看到的的确是真真切切的蛇!四条蛇居然坐在宝马轿车里?还有一条蛇在开车?“啊,妈的,这次居然会看到蛇精!怎么搞的啊,老天爷你太会跟我开玩笑了吧?”跟老妈说了不知道她会不会以为她的神经病又加重了,每次跟家里的人或者身边的同学朋友说她可以看到这些东西的时候,没有一个人相信,都认为她是疯子!呵,不知道老天和她开的什么玩笑!有着比其他蛇还敏锐的白奥维坐在车里,突然听到一个女孩子居然骂了一句脏话,更让他有兴趣的是下面的那句,蛇精?她说她看到了蛇精?是他们吗?哈哈,有趣,居然有人能看穿他们是蛇族?他们蛇族早已经进化,现在连一般比较厉害的结界师都看不出他们是蛇的,居然就这么轻易的被一个看起来还像是一个刚成年的女孩子看出来了?有趣!“杰,把车倒回去!”. ........每个人对蛇的印象大概都是冷血无情可怕的吧?冰的这部小说将会告诉你,其实蛇并不冷血,只是比较矜持,没有遇到让他改变的人之前他们都将自己保护的很好,可是真的遇到那个可以改变他的人的时候,蛇也一样可以热情,可以燃烧,可以有温度,甚至让自己化为灰烬也在所不惜!
  • 盛山十二诗·桃坞

