


It was not without good reason that Abellino took his departure in such haste. He had quitted the spot but a few minutes, when a large party accidentally strolled that way, and discovered with astonishment the corpse of Matteo, and Rosabella pale and trembling in the arbour.

A crowd immediately collected itself round them. It increased with every moment, and Rosabella was necessitated to repeat what had happened to her for the satisfaction of every newcomer.

In the meanwhile some of the Doge's courtiers, who happened to be among the crowd, hastened to call her attendants together; her gondola was already waiting for her, and the terrified girl soon reached her uncle's palace in safety.

In vain was an embargo laid upon every other gondola; in vain did they examine every person who was in the gardens of Dolabella at the time, when the murdered assassin was first discovered. No traces could be found of Abellino.

The report of this strange adventure spread like wildfire through Venice. Abellino, for Rosabella had preserved but too well in her memory that dreadful name, and by the relation of her danger had given it universal publicity, Abellino was the object of general wonder and curiosity. Every one pitied the poor Rosabella for what she had suffered, execrated the villain who had bribed Matteo to murder her, and endeavoured to connect the different circumstances together by the help of one hypothesis or other, among which it would have been difficult to decide which was the most improbable.

Every one who heard the adventure, told it again, and every one who told it, added something of his own, till at length it was made into a complete romantic novel, which might have been entitled with great propriety, "The Power of Beauty;" for the Venetian gentlemen and ladies had settled the point among themselves completely to their own satisfaction, that Abellino would undoubtedly have assassinated Rosabella, had he not been prevented by her uncommon beauty. But though Abellino's interference had preserved her life, it was doubted much whether this adventure would be at all relished by her destined bridegroom, the Prince of Monaldeschi, a Neapolitan of the first rank, possessed of immense wealth and extensive influence.

The Doge had for some time been secretly engaged in negotiating a match between his niece and this powerful nobleman, who was soon expected to make his appearance at Venice. The motive of his journey, in spite of all the Doge's precautions, had been divulged, and it was no longer a secret to any but Rosabella, who had never seen the prince, and could not imagine why his expected visit should excite such general curiosity.

Thus far the story had been told much to Rosabella's credit; but at length the women began to envy her for her share in the adventure.

The kiss which she had received from the bravo afforded them an excellent opportunity for throwing out a few malicious insinuations.

"She received a great service," said one, "and there's no saying how far the fair Rosabella in the warmth of gratitude may have been carried in rewarding her preserver." "Very true," observed another, "and for my part, I think it not very likely that the fellow, being alone with a pretty girl, whose life he had just saved, should have gone away contented with a single kiss." "Come, come," interrupted a third, "do not let us judge uncharitably; the fact may be exactly as the lady relates it, though I MUST say, that gentlemen of Abellino's profession are not usually so pretty-behaved, and that this is the first time I ever heard of a bravo in the Platonics."In short, Rosabella and the horrible Abellino furnished the indolent and gossiping Venetians with conversation so long, that at length the Doge's niece was universally known by the honourable appellation of the "Bravo's Bride."But no one gave himself more trouble about this affair than the Doge, the good but proud Andreas. He immediately issued orders that every person of suspicious appearance should be watched more closely than ever, the night patrols were doubled, and spies were employed daily in procuring intelligence of Abellino; and yet all was in vain. Abellino's retreat was inscrutable.

  • 史载之方


  • 罗天大醮午朝科


  • 老子翼


  • 将赴黔州先寄本府中


  • 苏悉地羯罗供养法


  • 丹青卷


  • 每个老师都是故事2


  • onlyyou兴鹿


  • 女神帝国


  • 无极道域


  • 北南祭


  • 混沌兵道


  • 这坏坏的女生


    有个人曾经说过:“爱的桥是宽敞的,容得下许多委屈;但是,爱的桥也是狭窄的,容不下三个人。”可是,谁愿走下这座桥呢?我叫做单莜晨,是一个十分特别的女生,自制能力十分强,朋友数不胜数,就是和男生也可以相处得很好,我是说朋友与朋友之间哦!我本人最怕的就是别人哭,特别是女生。哭起来还真是不是开玩笑的恐怖!所以我也很少哭。我很喜欢听歌,还有一个习惯,就是在听歌之前仔细看歌词,因为歌词有时候写得特别好。结合歌就very perfect啦!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……我爸妈是刚从美国回来的,十分崇尚自由,因此我有着与其他女生不同的教育方式:我可以晚上上街不用努力劝说父母,自由决定,只要不要学坏就好。但是我为了自身安全,经常在晚上9:00前就已经回家了。因此我看到像封建家族的公主的女生时,我都因她们而感到惋惜。喝酒不仅是男生的权利,也是我的权利。父母允许我适量喝酒,因为我们都觉得适量喝酒是可以让人放松身心的。酒吧我已经是常客了,可是我绝对不会在酒吧里认识任何一个人或者是交朋友,以免对自己产生不好的影响。而且我在酒吧里学会了调酒,也算是有收获吧。所以我在我家的一个角落建了一个吧台,平时可以过过瘾;可以让我自由交往,所以我大学之前就已经谈过三次恋爱了。我知道现在有很多女生都已经谈过不止三次恋爱了,对于三次恋爱也嫌少,可是我可是在父母允许的情况下哦!并且我自己本身在那个时候还不知道什么是爱呢?很意外对不对?但是我是没有学坏的,我一直成绩优秀,在学校里一向很出名,全校的人几乎都会认识我,我个性张扬,虽然不会说粗话,不过我的嘴可是说话不饶人,一旦我火来了就一定要喷出来,从不会憋在心里。总会找一个好友说说,或是跟妈谈谈。妈不会想别的妈那样不通情达理,她的想法一般和我的差不多,也好沟通。有时我很羡慕别人的初恋,因为我的初恋也太不争气了,经常让我气到喘不过气来或是毫无意义。然而,在我的大学生活中居然出现了一个如此让我生气的男生,一天到晚跟我勾心斗角。但是我已习惯,习惯成为了我生活中不可缺少他的理由。
  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 王爷,你好贱!

