

"Well, I don't carry but the one frying pan. I'm equipped light, because I've got to outfit with grub, further along.""Well, we'll make out all right, just like this." Bud propped the handle of the frying pan high with a forked stick, and stood up. "Say, my name's Bud Moore, and I'm not headed anywhere in particular. I'm just traveling in one general direction, and that's with the Coast at my back. Drifting, that's all. I ain't done anything I'm ashamed of or scared of, but I am kinda bashful about towns. I tangled with a couple of crooks, and they're pulled by now, I expect. I'm dodging newspaper notoriety. Don't want to be named with 'em at all." He, spread his hands with an air of finality. "That's my tale of woe," he supplemented, "boiled down to essentials. I just thought I'd tell you.""Yeah. Well, my name's Cash Markham, and I despise to have folks get funny over it. I'm a miner and prospector, and I'm outfitting for a trip for another party, looking up an old location that showed good prospects ten years ago. Man died, and his wife's trying to get the claim relocated. Get you a plate outa that furtherest kyack, and a cup. Bannock looks about done, so we'll eat."That night Bud shared Cash Markham's blankets, and in the morning he cooked the breakfast while Cash Markham rounded up the burros and horses. In that freemasonry of the wilderness they dispensed with credentials, save those each man carried in his face and in his manner. And if you stop to think of it, such credentials are not easily forged, for nature writes them down, and nature is a truth-loving old dame who will never lead you far astray if only she is left alone to do her work in peace.

It transpired, in the course of the forenoon's travel, that Cash Markham would like to have a partner, if he could find a man that suited. One guessed that he was fastidious in the matter of choosing his companions, in spite of the easy way in which he had accepted Bud. By noon they had agreed that Bud should go along and help relocate the widow's claim. Cash Markham hinted that they might do a little prospecting on their own account. It was a country he had long wanted to get into, he said, and while he intended to do what Mrs. Thompson had hired him to do, still there was no law against their prospecting on their own account.

And that, he explained, was one reason why he wanted a good man along. If the Thompson claim was there, Bud could do the work under the supervision of Cash, and Cash could prospect.

"And anyway, it's bad policy for a man to go off alone in this part of the country," he added with a speculative look across the sandy waste they were skirting at a pace to suit the heavily packed burros. "Case of sickness or accident--or suppose the stock strays off--it's bad to be alone.""Suits me fine to go with you," Bud declared. "I'm next thing to broke, but I've got a lot of muscle I can cash in on the deal.

And I know the open. And I can rock a gold-pan and not spill out all the colors, if there is any--and whatever else I know is liable to come in handy, and what I don't know I can learn.""That's fair enough. Fair enough," Markham agreed. "I'll allow you wages on the Thompson job' till you've earned enough to balance up with the outfit. After that it'll be fifty-fifty.

How'll that be, Bud?"

"Fair enough--fair enough," Bud retorted with faint mimicry.

"If I was all up in the air a few days ago, I seem to have lit on my feet, and that's good enough for me right now. We'll let 'er ride that way."And the twinkle, as he talked, was back in his eyes, and the smiley quirk was at the corner of his lips.

  • 神魔时代


  • 成为你这一代人的1%(财蜜eMook)


    这期周刊分两个部分,一是她理财的财蜜们对自己年代的回顾,属于带着自我色彩的年代秀;二是她理财近期对70后、80后、90后调查问卷之后的深入访谈,属于比较偏报道类的年代探索。 你以为70后的偶像是居里夫人就很可笑,其实真有人脚踏实地去做;你以为80后夹缝生存各种苦逼就悲观了,其实逆风飞翔的人早就不在乎你给的“独生子女”标签了;你以为90后是脑残一代不可理喻,其实人家也许早把你这种“老人家”哄得团团转了。
  • 我与地球同在


  • 鬼医世宠,邪妃傲世天下


  • 福妻驾到


  • 贴身全才


  • 重生之豪门千金


  • 豪夫童话(语文新课标课外必读第九辑)


  • 娇养萌妻,总裁老公要抱抱


  • 我是少爷也是保镖

