


THE word "talisman" is derived from the Arabic "tilsam,""a magical image," through the plural form "tilsamen."This Arabic word is itself probably derived from the Greek telesma in its late meaning of "a religious mystery" or "consecrated object". The term is often employed to designate amulets in general, but, correctly speaking, it has a more restricted and special significance. A talisman may be defined briefly as an astrological or other symbol expressive of the influence and power of one of the planets, engraved on a sympathetic stone or metal (or inscribed on specially prepared parchment)under the auspices of this planet.

Before proceeding to an account of the preparation of talismans proper, it will not be out of place to notice some of the more interesting and curious of other amulets. All sorts of substances have been employed as charms, sometimes of a very unpleasant nature, such as dried toads. Generally, however, amulets consist of stones, herbs, or passages from Sacred Writings written on paper.

This latter class are sometimes called "characts," as an example of which may be mentioned the Jewish phylacteries.

Every precious stone was supposed to exercise its own peculiar virtue;for instance, amber was regarded as a good remedy for throat troubles, and agate was thought to preserve from snake-bites. ELIHU RICH[1]

gives a very full list of stones and their supposed virtues.

Each sign of the zodiac was supposed to have its own particular stone[2]

(as shown in the annexed table), and hence the superstitious though not inartistic custom of wearing one's birth-Month (com-Astro- mencing Sign of the Zodiac. logical 21st of Stone. Symbol. preceding month).

Aries, the Ram .{}April Sardonyx.

Taurus the Bull.{}May Cornelian.

Gemini the Twins . {}June Topaz.

Cancer, the Crab . {}July Chalcedony.

Leo, the Lion . . {}AugustJasper.

Virgo, the Virgin . {}September Emerald.

Libra, the Balance .{}October Beryl.

Scorpio, the Scorpion {}November Amethyst.

Sagittarius, the Archer {}December Hyacinth (=Sapphire).

Capricorn, the Goat . {}January Chrysoprase.

Aquarius, the Water-{}February Crystal.

bearer Pisces, the Fishes .{}March Sapphire.

(=Lapis lazuli). stone for "luck". The belief in the occult powers of certain stones is by no means non-existent at the present day;for even in these enlightened times there are not wanting those who fear the beautiful opal, and put their faith in the virtues of New Zealand green-stone.

[1] ELTHU RICH: _The Occult Sciences (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana_, 1855), pp. 348 _et seq_.

[2] With regard to these stones, however, there is much confusion and difference of opinion. The arrangement adopted in the table here given is that of CORNELIUS AGRIPPA (_Occult Philosophy_, bk.

ii.). A comparatively recent work, esteemed by modern occultists, namely, _The Light of Egypt, or the Science of the Soul and the Stars_(1889), gives the following scheme:--

{}=Amethyst. {}=Emerald. {}=Diamond. {}=Onyx (Chalcedony).

{}=Agate. {}=Ruby. {}=Topaz. {}=Sapphire (skyblue).

{}=Beryl. {}=Jasper. {}=Carbuncle. {}=Chrysolite.

Common superstitious opinion regarding birth-stones, as reflected, for example, in the "lucky birth charms" exhibited in the windows of the jewellers' shops, considerably diverges in this matter from the views of both these authorities.

The usual scheme is as follows:--

Jan.=Garnet. May =Emerald. Sept. =Sapphire, Feb.=Amethyst.

June=Agate. Oct. =Opal.

Mar.=Bloodstone. July =Ruby. Nov.=Topaz.

Apr.=Diamond. Aug.=Sardonyx. Dec. =Turquoise.

The bloodstone is frequently assigned either to Aries or Scorpio, owing to its symbolical connection with Mars; and the opal to Cancer, which in astrology is the constellation of the moon.

Confusion is rendered still worse by the fact that the ancients whilst in some cases using the same names as ourselves, applied them to different stones; thus their "hyacinth" is our "sapphire," whilst their "sapphire" is our "lapis lazuli".

Certain herbs, culled at favourable conjunctions of the planets and worn as amulets, were held to be very efficacious against various diseases. Precious stones and metals were also taken internally for the same purpose--"remedies"which in certain cases must have proved exceedingly harmful.

One theory put forward for the supposed medical value of amulets was the Doctrine of Effluvia. This theory supposes the amulets to give off vapours or effluvia which penetrate into the body and effect a cure. It is, of course, true that certain herbs, _etc_., might, under the heat of the body, give off such effluvia, but the theory on the whole is manifestly absurd.

The Doctrine of Signatures, which we have already encountered in our excursions,[1] may also be mentioned in this connection as a complementary and equally untenable hypothesis.

According to ELIHU RICH,[2] the following were the commonest Egyptian amulets:--1. Those inscribed with the figure of _Serapis_, used to preserve against evils inflicted by earth.

2. Figure of _Canopus_, against evil by water.

3. Figure of a _hawk_, against evil from the air.

4. Figure of an _asp_, against evil by fire.

PARACELSUS believed there to be much occult virtue in an alloy of the seven chief metals, which he called _Electrum_. Certain definite proportions of these metals had to be taken, and each was to be added during a favourable conjunction of the planets.

From this electrum he supposed that valuable amulets and magic mirrors could be prepared.

[1] See "Medicine and Magic." [2] _Op. Cit_., p- 343-A curious and ancient amulet for the cure of various diseases, particularly the ague, was a triangle formed of the letters of the word "Abracadabra." The usual form was that shown in fig. 19, and that shown in fig. 20 was also known.

The origin of this magical word is lost in obscurity.

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