

Had he ever been a spy himself?No,he scorned the base insinuation. What did he live upon?His property.Where was his property?He didn't precisely remember where it was.What wasit?No business of anybody's.Had he inherited it?Yes,he had.From whom?Distant relatives.Very distant?Rather.Ever been in prison?Certainly not.Never in a debtor's prison?Didn't see what that had to do with it.Never in a debtor's prison?—Come,once again.Never?Yes.How many times?Two or three times.Not five or six?Perhaps.Of what profession?Gentleman.Ever been kicked?Might have been.Frequently?No.Ever kicked downstairs?Decidedly not;once received a kick on the top of the staircase and fell downstairs of his own accord.Kicked on that occasion for cheating at dice?Something to that effect was said by the intoxicated liar who committed the assault,but it was not true.Swear it was not true?Positively.Ever live by cheating at play?Never.Ever live by play?Not more than other gentlemen do.Ever borrow money of the prisoner?Yes.Ever pay him?No.Was not this intimacy with the prisoner,in reality a very slight one,forced upon the prisoner in coaches,inns,and packets?No.Sure he saw the prisoner with these lists?Certain.Knew no more about the lists?No.Had not procured them himself,for instance?No.Expect to get anything by this evidence?No.Not in regular government pay and employment,to lay traps?Oh dear no.Or to do anything?Oh dear no.Swear that?Over and again.No motives but motives of sheer patriotism?None whatever.

The virtuous servant,Roger Cly,swore his way through the case at a great rate. He had taken service with the prisoner,in good faith and simplicity,four years ago.He had asked the prisoner,aboard the Calais packet,if he wanted a handy fellow,and the prisoner had engaged him.He had not asked the prisoner to take the handy fellow as an act of charity—never thought of such a thing.He began to have suspicions of the prisoner,and tokeep an eye upon him,soon afterwards.In arranging his clothes,while travelling,he had seen similar lists in the prisoner's pockets,over and over again.He had taken these lists from the drawer of the prisoner's desk.He had not put them there first.He had seen the prisoner show these identical lists to French gentlemen at Calais,and similar lists to French gentlemen,both at Calais and Boulogne.He loved his country,and couldn't bear it,and had given information.He had never been suspected of stealing a silver teapot;he had been maligned respecting a mustard-pot,but it turned out to be only a plated one.He had known the last witness seven or eight years;that was merely a coincidence.He didn't call it a particularly curious coincidence;most coincidences were curious.Neither did he call it a curious coincidence that true patriotism was his only motive too.He was a true Briton,and hoped there were many like him.

The blue-flies buzzed again,and Mr. Attorney-General called Mr.Jarvis Lorry.

'Mr. Jarvis Lorry,are you a clerk in Tellson's Bank?

'I am.'

'On a certain Friday night in November one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five,did business occasion you to travel between London and Dover by the mail?'

'It did.'

'Were there any other passengers in the mail?'


'Did they alight on the road in the course of the night?'

'They did.'

'Mr. Lorry,look upon the prisoner.Was he one of those two passengers?'

'I cannot undertake to say that he was.'

'Does he resemble either of those two passengers?'

'Both were so wrapped up,and the night was so dark,and we were all so reserved,that I cannot undertake to say even that.'

'Mr. Lorry,look again upon the prisoner.Supposing him wrapped up as those two passengers were,is there anything in his bulk and stature to render it unlikely that he was one of them?'


'You will not swear,Mr. Lorry,that he was not one of them?'


'So at least you say that he may have been one of them?'

'Yes. Except that I remember them both to have been—like myself—timorous of highwaymen,and the prisoner has not a timorous air.'

'Did you ever see a counterfeit of timidity,Mr. Lorry?'

'I certainly have seen that.'

'Mr. Lorry,look once more upon the prisoner.Have you seen him,to your certain knowledge,before?'

'I have.'


'I was returning from France a few days afterwards,and,at Calais,the prisoner came on board the packet-ship in which I returned,and made the voyage with me.'

'At what hour did he come on board?'

'At a little after midnight.'

'In the dead of the night. Was he the only passenger who came on board at that untimely hour?'

'He happened to be the only one.'

'Never mind about'happening',Mr. Lorry.He was the onlypassenger who came on board in the dead of the night?'

'He was.'

'Were you travelling alone,Mr. Lorry,or with any companion?'

'With two companions. A gentleman and lady.They are here.'

'They are here. Had you any conversation with the prisoner?'

'Hardly any. The weather was stormy,and the passage long and rough,and I lay on a sofa,almost from shore to shore.'

'Miss Manette!'

The young lady,to whom all eyes had been turned before,and were now turned again,stood up where she had sat. Her father rose with her,and kept her hand drawn through his arm.

'Miss Manette,look upon the prisoner.'

To be confronted with such pity,and such earnest youth and beauty,was far more trying to the accused than to be confronted with all the crowd. Standing,as it were,apart with her on the edge of his grave,not all the staring curiosity that looked on,could,for the moment,nerve him to remain quite still.His hurried right hand parcelled out the herbs before him into imaginary beds of flowers in a garden;and his efforts to control and steady his breathing shook the lips from which the colour rushed to his heart.The buzz of the great flies was loud again.

'Miss Manette,have you seen the prisoner before?'



'On board of the packet-ship just now referred to,sir,and on the same occasion.'

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